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By Nelson Christian Amador

GENRE: Action, Drama

A Girl name Carmen Solvo who lives in Bellevue, WA is sadly kidnapped by an evil doctor name Dr. Sara Bellum and the doctor ends up drugging her real bad and putting a lot of drugs and liquid medicine inside of her brain and her body and transforming her into a criminal and criminal weapon and she becomes the evil red fedora and red jacket wearing criminal known as Carmen Sandiego.  


Carmen Solvo is a girl that is from San Diego, CA and her parents were killed by an evil scientist name Dr. Sara Bellum who special-izes in creating liquid drugs and medicine. Carmen later grows up into a teenager and she meets a very smart and very beauitful African-American girl name Jasmine Thigpen who be-friends Carmen is also a new girl herself at Bellevue High School. But as the day goes on, Carmen gets herself into trouble and goes into Detention and sneaks out of it to a crazy high school party. But then after the party, Carmen gets kidnapped by Dr. Bellum and he vile thugs and they capture her and take to Victoria, BC where the thugs strip Carmen and take all of her clothes off and they put her in a container butt naked and she gets a lot of liquid drugs and medicine that are illegal and not safe into her body fills the container to the point where she drowns and the liquid drugs end up freezing Carmen into an Ice Cube and Carmen is frozen for 4 years. The factory she is in shuts down and explodes into flames and she ends up swimming towards the shore and comes out of the water butt naked and her body and her brain have completely changed a lot. She later gets founded by a high school friend of her's name Patrick who takes her in and Carmen discovers that he is a field coach for a lot of bad guys and Carmen ends up finding an outfit with a huge red fedora and red jacket and she decides to become a criminal herself and work for Patrick and also not only destroy the good guys, but also destroy other criminals and get rid of her competition as well. In this same time frame, Jasmine now works for the CIA with her friends Chase, Shadow, and Jules and with her new friends name Zach and Ivy and they discover that Carmen is still alive and they start forming acme agency and Jasmine transforms herself and changes her appearance and she becomes the chief of Acme. And they have stop Carmen before she ends up destroying the whole earth with her sucking machine and stop her before it's too late.


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Barry A.A. Dillinger

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