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By Nelson Christian Amador

GENRE: Thriller, Fantasy

The Princess is under a sleeping curse of spindle of a spinning wheel and must receive true love's kiss. And the evil Maleficent wants to destroy the great land of England and King Stefan's castle and kingdom. Only one man with a heart of bravery and the last remaining prince of England can stop the evil scorress and break the sleeping curse and save the kingdom from the mistress of evil.   


As baby Princess Aurora is born, Everyone in the kingdom starts coming to King Stefan and Queen Leah's Castle in England. And one of the guest that come is a young Prince Phillip and his father King Hubert. And before the party, King Hubert tells the tale and story of the war between Maleficent and King Stefan. And tells the young prince about the traditions of the great land. As Phillip and his father get to Stefan's castle, Phillip meets the king and queen and he also sees the fairies Flora, Maryweather, and Fauna who are not only fairies that give the princess her magical gifts but also advisors to the king and queen as well. But as the royal birthday for the princess is beginning, Maleficent breaks out of jail in one of dungeons far from the castle and attacks the Stefan's knights and army and she is broken out by her evil, muted animal knights with green skin that help her storm the castle. And she brings a lot of hell and destruction to the castle and kills more knights coming at her. The Kingdom is alerted right away and right away young Prince Phillip and baby Aurora are kept in a bunker under the castle for safety. Maleficent shows up and confronts King Stefan and Queen Leah and is very upset she didn't get invited and even threatens to the king that if she does not give her gift to the princess, she will take some peasants hostage. King Hubert tries to defend King Stefan by threatening Maleficent and almost declaring war on her just like Stefan did years ago. But unfortunately is attacked very violently by Maleficent and young Phillip tries to run away but is caught by her knights and Malefcient takes young prince Phillip and almost kills him with her scepter but Flora ends up casting magic on Maleficent and burns her hand and saves Phillip from being killed by her. Stefan orders his men to go after Maleficent and orders every spinning wheel. The fairies uses their magic and heel King Hubert and they then take princess Aurora to the woods and raise her there for 16 years.

16 years go by and Phillip is now in his early 20's and he goes to prince school around his father's kingdom and unfortunately has not progressed in the ranks of prince like his other male classmates have. And his classmates often laugh at him and make fun of because he has friends that are peasants name Angus and Fergus that help him and are with him through tough times. And as Phillip goes to school, he fails his final day of school and the head master has to hold him back once again for another year and mocks him. Phillip gets very angry and upset that he punches him in the face and tackles him and he is thrown out of school for his actions and never to return again. At the same time, Hubert is with Stefan and Hubert admits that Phillip is not catching up and might possibly be failure as a prince. King Stefan then suggests to him to have Hubert make Phillip go on his adventures and go outside his kingdom and he even gives King Hubert a white horse name Samson. Hubert ends up finding out about what happen to Phillip at school and tells him to go on an adventure on his own and learn some skills that he would never learn in school, and he has to be on his own for a week and report back to his father after a week has passed.

Phillip goes on his adventure but little does he know, he goes towards the forrest and around the forbidden mountain and crosses a lot of line. And Maleficent sees Phillip and orders her men to go after him and kill him and Phillip gets into a lot violent and brutal and bloody confrontations with her evil knights and Phillip has to use his wits and skills and items around him to fight the knights and even steeling their own weapons such as axes to fight them.

Phillip ends up killing the knights and keeps on going on his journey and goes deep into the forrest. Meanwhile, we are introduced to now a 16 year old Princess Aurora now named Briar Rose and she lives with fairies in a cottage in the forrest and the fairies are planning her 16th birthday and preparing the cake, dress and cleaning the house. And Rose/Briar is assigned to pick berries outside. And while she does this, she starts singing Once Upon a dream a lot of times and a lot forrest animals start coming to her and listening to her and all interacting with her as well. Phillip hears her singing and he starts fallowing the sound of her voice, but accidentally falls into a lake and swims out. And not only that, the forrest animals grab Phillip's jacket and hat and use it to interact more with Briar. Phillip ends up catching with the animals and using his charm, huge heart, and his kindness, and his social wits, Phillip ends up singing some parts of the song and shocks Rose and dances with her. But then as Phillip stops singing himself, Rose right away doesn't trust him and Phillip keeping clam around the girl, just wants to know more about her and is able to clam her down and starts dancing with her in the forrest. As the dancing is done, Rose begins to ask Phillip a lot of questions and he does his best to answer all of them and Phillips ask her questions but Rose is unable to answer Phillip and worries about getting in trouble with Flora, Fauna, and Maryweather.

But things get interpreted very badly as Maleficent's evil animal knights end up finding Phillip and Rose and Phillip fights the knights and the evil knights begin to chase Phillip and Rose and they get on Samson and a horse chase happens in the forrest, Phillip is able to kill the knights and they kind a cave to go in, but as they are in the cave, Phillip gets attacked by a monster in the cave and he starts fighting the monster and defeats it and kills it. They get back to the surface and they end up in a village in the forrest and they find refuge in house built with trees and by a lake and more romance as Phillip just eyes Rose as she is about to go skinny dipping in the lake and clean herself. And Phillip approaches with clam and at the same time sees her singing and more animals showing up around her. And Phillip just continues to really love Rose a lot. Rose is shocked and frighten once again at Phillip but Phillip being clam and relating to her more and more, Rose finally gives in to Phillip's charm and huge heart and wits and Rose begins to smooch and make out with Phillip and they start making out under water in the lake. And after the swim, Rose just really loves Phillip a lot and completely trusts him.

Phillip ends up paying the owner the money he owes him and Phillip being really kind and sweet, even gets berries for Rose and takes her back to the cottage. And they both part ways, and it would be the last and only time Phillip would see Aurora as Rose.

Rose gets back to the cottage and tells the fairies about meeting Phillip but never relives his name and this makes the fairies very worried and they tell Rose not to see him anymore and Rose learns who she truly is and who her real parens are. And she doesn't want to be a princess and doesn't care about being in a kingdom and she just wants to be with Phillip but just doesn't know that Phillip is part of the kingdom and is a prince himself. And this makes Rose very sad and she starts crying in her room.

Meanwhile with Prince Phillip, he comes back to the kingdom and tells Angus and Fergus his adventure over drinks of wine. But what happens is that the boys are ambushed be Maleficent's evil knights and they sneak into King Stefan's castle and Maleficent and her knight want to arrest Phillip on her authority very badly. Phillip makes a run for it and he starts getting chased by the knights and he fights more evil animal knights with old medieval swords and with other weapons in the room, the evil knights also start throwing a lot of medieval bombs and cause some parts of the castle to explode and catch on fire. Phillip keeps on running from the knights and he goes into one of the tallest castle buildings in the kingdom and he fights more evil animal knights there with his combat skills and other weapons. And most importantly Phillip would end up going into the room Aurora would go in much later on and fights more knights chasing him. Phillip finally gets to the room that the spinning wheel would be in much later and fights an evil animal knight general and ends up battling him and killing him. the castle building starts to catch on fire to the point where other citizens in the kingdom notice and see the fire and Phillip ends up attaching himself to a string and Phillip jumps out the window and he starts zip lining down really fast and he flies and falls over the main castle wall and lands in the water. Samson comes and reduces him and Phillip goes on top and starts heading back to his father's kingdom. Stefan also finds out about the attack and orders his men to protect the kingdom a lot more. and boost up more troops. Maleficent comes and she uses her magic to put out the fire in the tall castle building and makes both rooms a lot more nice and fancy for her final gift to the princess to work and work well.

Back with Aurora and just like in the 1959 Sleeping Beauty movie, the fairies take Aurora to King Stefan's castle and they give Aurora the last gift which is the gift or royalty and they place a princess crown on her head. But Maleficent sneaks into the room and hypnotizes Aurora and starts guiding her to the spinning wheel and she pricks her finger on the spinning wheel and evil magic starts going into her body and she passes out on the ground. Left sad and stunned, the fairies end up putting Aurora into a bed and they start placing everyone in the kingdom asleep and not only doing that, they also turn the day back from dusk to night time. And before the fairies used their magic and put everyone to sleep in the kingdom, Hubert is with Stefan and Hubert tells him that Phillip did go on adventure and believes he will be great prince and maybe one day a king as well. And Phillip ends up telling his father the story and Phillip still doesn't know that he saw the princess and his father suggests to him to back go to the cottage and tell fairies who he is.

But it would later be a terrible mistake as not only has Maleficent successfully kidnapped and abducted Prince Phillip, but also she also kidnapped Angus and Fergus and also ordered her men to lock anyone in chains who sides with old the kingdom and begins a plan of her own to create a new kingdom and destroy King Stefan castle and kingdom. The fairies find out that Phillip has been kidnapped and they go to the forbidden mountain to save him and Samson.

Phillip unfortunately as he gets there, he gets tortured and beaten very badly with a whip and gets whacked in the face by staffs and other weapons and Maleficent and her men give Phillip a black eye and knock all of his teeth out as well. And blood comes out of his mouth and he also gets cuts and bruises as well. Maleficent finally Phillip the last gift that is really awful and shameful where she wants to trip Phillip in the mountain for 60 years and keep Aurora sleeping but as Aurora is sleeping, King Stefan's kingdom would be destroyed to the ground, the traditions and values and laws of the old kingdom would be gone, and the new kingdom would be filled with evil animal humans and no real humans what so ever. And if there are real humans or people that speak out against Maleficent and her new role as queen of the new kingdom, they would be locked away and put in jail an put in the dungeon to die and beaten and tortured to death. Phillip gets very angry and very upset and very offended by this gift that he head butts Maleficent very badly and gets punched in the face by her.

the fairies end up finding a very beaten up, scared, toothless, and bruised up and destroyed Prince Phillip, that not only do they use their magic to break the chains but they use their magic to heel Phillip and give him new teeth, and heel his cuts and bruises and his black eye as well. Flora also gives Phillip the sword of truth and his shield. Phillip escapes out of his jail cell and Maleficent's raven alerts her men and her men start fighting Prince Phillip and Phillip fights around 40 of them coming at him and he completely starts yelling and screaming and going berserk and Phillip gets so angry that he stabs and kills all 40 of Maleficent's men in a very brutal and very bloody, gruesome, and very violent way.

Phillip falls off one of the ledges and he finds Samson and the fairies free Samson and rides on him and fairies start guiding him and Maleficent throws a lot of evil spells and thunder and lighting and destroying a lot of objects and covers King Stefan's castle with thorns, Phillip gets to the forrest of thorns and uses all his might and cuts through all of them and is really steaming and really angry and just has complete rage and just angry as a bull as he is riding on Samson back to the castle.

Maleficent blocks Phillip and she turns into a giant dragon and attacks Phillip and causes more destruction and Phillip using his might, anger, and strength and his rage, throws a lot of sword attacks at Maleficent and smashes her dragon with all his anger and rage and even stabs her head very badly with blood coming out. Maleficent gets even more harder and harder to fight that she breathes fire out of her mouth and sets the kingdom on fire and Phillip jumps up in the air and is on a hill and Maleficent breathes more fire at Phillip and knocks his shield out of his hand, Flora then casts a special spell on Phillip's sword and Phillip throws the sword at Maleficent's stomach and Maleficent starts falling into a pile of green fire and her dragon body disappears into smoke.

Phillip catches up with Samson, but little does he know, Maleficent re-forms her body back into human and sees Phillip riding into the kingdom and starts fallowing Phillip.

Phillip gets to the castle building where Aurora is, but finds out that her door is looked and he manages to save Angus and Fergus. But Maleficent shows up again with the keys to open the door in her hand. And Maleficent throws a kitchen knife at Phillip and stabs him in the arm and a very violent and brutal and very gruesome and very bloody fight takes place as Phillip fights Maleficent as she is in human form and both of them throwing attack after attack at each other and Maleficent blasts a lot of her evil magic at Phillip and gets attacked many times but bounces back and without the sword of truth with him, Phillip fights Maleficent with a giant, old knight sword and whacks Maleficent's scepter 33 times creating fire sparks. After the long fight, Phillip finally gets the upper hand and smashes and destroys Maleficent's scepter and his sword gets destroyed and destroys one of Maleficent's horns on her head and Phillip just gets angry and up set and berserk and he steams up very badly and Phillip all of a sudden while screaming and yelling in anger and in rage, just starts beating the living daylights of Maleficent with his sword and even punches her in the face and punches her in the stomach and shoves her head against a wall and then shoves her head into a church window and breaks the glass window as well. And Phillip starts chocking Maleficent really badly and throws to her the ground very violently and very brutally as well.

Phillip finally defeats Maleficent and he uses the knight sword and stabs her in the forehead and he yells again and stabs her in the stomach really hard that blood starts to come out of her stomach and her forehead. and Phillip does the final blow and he cuts Maleficent's head off and finally kills her and her headless body falls to the ground.

Phillip, as he is breathing really hard, just sits down and he tries to clam down about what happen and he just feels scarred and alone and sad. But luckily Flora comes to him and sits next to him and comforts him and hands Phillip the Keys and Phillip goes up into the room where Princess Aurora and Phillip finally kisses Aurora on the lips and smooches her and he finally breaks the curse. And Phillip kisses Aurora a lot of golden magic comes out of Aurora's body and starts turning the day back to day time and everyone in the kingdom begins to wake up. And everything starts turning back into what was there before.

Phillip and Aurora begin to walk down and everyone including King Stefan and Queen Leah and King Hubert see them. And Phillip and Aurora start slow dancing in the great hall.

The next Phillip gets up and eats breakfast and Aurora comes to see Phillip and they share a kissing moment and they go into carriage that Phillip and his friends made and they start heading to the coast in England. And the story ends up with Phillip and Aurora laying next to each other and looking at the stars and the moon and they kiss each other and Once Upon on a dream plays in the background as Phillip and Aurora are by water and kissing in front of stars and the moon.

And the screenplay is a live action, gruesome, bloody, and violent, dark, and action packed re-imagining of the 1959 Sleeping Beauty made by Walt Disney.


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