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A famous author’s world completely unravels during a hypnosis session when she discovers a past life in Auschwitz, launching her on a terrifying double-life journey to unearth proof, if it’s still there.
1944 (night): Teenage HANNAH is packed inside a dark cattle-car with a hundred others, stopping at bright lights. She leaps from the train with her father JOSEPH. German soldiers force everyone into lines. Pregnant women are taken away, a woman is shot, while they shuffle to the Nazi officer at the end, selecting who lives and who dies.
1994: Famous author HELEN WHITE is experiencing the horrific scene as a vision while staring at photo in the Holocaust museum. Traumatized by the experience, her world collapses as she searches the macabre exhibit for answers.
Helen’s visits her brother JAKE who’s dying from cancer, at a hospital in hometown Toronto. He knows something is wrong, but she doesn’t share. She leaves for a meeting and has an Auschwitz flashback on the subway, triggered by a man abducting a girl.
Work takes her to Montreal, where she almost bumps into ERIC STONE several times. They finally meet for an impromptu dinner, but Helen retreats with her issues.
Weeks later, they meet again by chance during back-to-back appointments with hypnotherapist DR. IZA STEIN. They reconnect later, but Helen runs again, and experiences more Auschwitz flashbacks on the streets.
She gathers her emotional strength, hoping a hypnosis session with Iza will help. They explore her youth, only she pops into her previous life at the end and discoverers the flashbacks are directly related to a past life in Auschwitz.
Distraught, she falls into a deep funk, but Eric coaxes her forward to face her fears. She returns to Iza and learns she was a teenage girl named HANNAH, separated from her father JOSEPH when they arrived, and befriends teenage ELENA and her PREGNANT mother MARIA inside the concentration camp.
Helen starts a new book, about a woman with a past life in Auschwitz, and how that life affects her in this life.
Helen and Eric do some in-depth research, and take a trip to 1994 Auschwitz. While there, Helen experiences more flashbacks; revealing her brother Jake was her father Joseph, and that Eric was Hannah’s friend Elena. She remembers where they buried a bottle and digs up the list of names she wrote in 1944 Auschwitz, including a SECRET name (not revealed).
Distraught, Helen can’t find the list on the flight home. Eric experiences a series of flashes revealing everyone aboard had a past life in Auschwitz. He instinctually knows something is wrong, and that’s when an engine explodes, pitching the plane violently into the ocean, killing everyone.
2018: Young ELI rushes into the airport to catch his flight and purchases Helen’s book Beyond Time.
An aging Iza is seated next to him on the flight. She highlights Helen and Eric’s journey while discussing the book. Eli accidentally knocks the book into the aisle and young flight attendant HOPE picks it up, and there’s a spark when their eyes meet.
Iza shares her past life for the first time, how she is related to Helen and Eric; that she died giving birth to Hannah in HER previous life. Then she points to her name at the bottom of the 1944 List for the big hook, revealing herself as the SECRET; that SHE WAS BORN IN AUSCHWITZ to mother Maria, and that Elena and Hannah were her sisters.
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Rob, I like the first-person narration you and Eve gave your script. Thanks for posting!
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LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!