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By Frank Shank

GENRE: Action, Drama

A drug dealer is set up with a garbage man for the mob, but becomes involved when he sees too much and tries to get out, it’s too late and now his brother must try to get him out of a game that was never that to begin with. 


Two volumes set up with number one following the life of a regular college student who had everything going for him, but life had other plans as everything changes after he smokes weed for the first time. Then a few days later he is cooking meth as the jumps his life took almost overnight as fast money, fast women, and the fast lifestyle waits for no one as he rides the wave from learning how to cook meth, to selling LSD, mushrooms, weed, coke, any drug known to man and even ending up chopping up bodies for extra money. In the second volume we follow his brother and how he tries to solve his brother’s murder but getting involved with some serious gangsters. How far would you for your family; as blood runs deeper than ever with a bond between brothers in the afterlife even cause that’s what brothers do…

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