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By David M Power

GENRE: Historical, Romance

Denied by society to love whom they wished, they found each other. Martha Dandridge struggles to reconcile her personal feelings with her family's teachings and beliefs. George Washington lives with doubt, and strives to evolve from the shadows cast by family tradition and society's cultural mores. The higher love they share sparks a revolution that changes the world. They are Martha & George.


Martha & George

A narrative feature. 117 pages. An historical biopic.

Dreamers. Upstarts. Radicals. Rebels.

“The Last Samurai” meets “Lincoln “.

George Washington. Martha Dandridge. Keteri Takewitha. Chief Delaware. Ebeneezer Sallazaar.

British Lord Admiral William Howe. British Lord General Charles Cornwallis.

Martha & George begins with young Martha Dandridge growing to realize the brutal limits her society imposes upon the individual in the name of order, through the guise of slavery. It reveals how the origin of war seeds change within Colonel George Washington of the Royal British Virginia Company. Both learn how precious life is when each sees how randomly expendable life becomes in their world. Martha helplessly experiences the eradication of her childhood friendships as they are violently uprooted by slavery. She is denied her first love by the code her society chose. Colonel Washington faces certain death as a soldier. He is saved, chosen by the native spirit of the Iroquois Nation, Keteri Takewitha. She is the Iroquois Chief, their Tadodaho(Leader). The mystical love unveiled, she whispers within his conscience the timeless promises only liberty can provide. But is she real? Is their love real? He is guided by the breadth and love the Iroquois have for their land now called America. In Iroquois heritage, this is a 1000 year truth. George receives loves ultimate blessing granting humanity the ability to recognize the sacred idea of individual liberty and justice for all.

Lord Admiral William Howe - Lord General Charles Cornwallis. The British Royal Commanders in the American Colonies. This is a family fight to them. Cornwallis seeks to reign back in Washington's dream. Admiral Howe is less charitable. Each of these characters are devoted to the tradition of loyalty to the Crown. The Sun never sets on the British Empire. Families who honor the divine plan are destined to fortify the architecture of the Imperial British Colonial Rule.

But then the change, denied their first loves, they find each other. This new love seeds the dream. It sprouts forth through Martha and George. The radical dream of a self governed society takes root. Not just how it happens, but why? Why these two people, why them? And why then? Unveil the path of the Iroquois Nation, The Declaration of Independence, The Revolution, The United States Constitution. George and Martha give the love of themselves to a new idea called America. It all passes through their love.

The British run a brutal campaign specifically designed to stop the dream of sovereignty.

Destiny is never a foregone conclusion. Something happens. What causes the change? Is it all because of love? Discover the great American love story, again. America the idea, a spirit unto itself. The rebel spirit awakens them to a grander plan. The story takes them to the mortal precipice, into the abyss at Valley Forge and back home to their final destiny. The upstarts turn away from their own British people’s common destiny, onto a new vision. They forfeit a life of privilege. They sacrifice their individual love for the invitation to liberty. Discover how the tear of slavery creates a chasm in their love which is never truly healed, asking all involved to rationalize madness. Manifest destiny evolves. Witness how they let go of the principle that one must buy into another’s path to realize the sovereign way.

Denied their true loves, they discover a higher love in each other. George and Martha fall in love. Their love endures for a lifetime, and sparks a revolution. The world is never the same again.

Rebels. Radicals. Upstarts. Dreamers.

Honor their incredible story as it culminates with General George Washington being elected the First President of the United States of America.


Jim Boston

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