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In 1972, an American journalist investigates an unbelievable story that Hitler had a twin who became a monk and when found was used by the Third Reich to stand in for him during the war, now a former despicable Nazi lieutenant is determined to stop him.
In 1972 while reporter Brian Allen Bennett visits a charming villa in Tuscany, Italy, he receives a gift: a Bible from the mysterious caretaker. It contains two cryptic documents: a birth certificate dated April 20, 1889, and a letter from a monk verifying the discovery of a baby on the monastery doorstep that same day. Bennett begins to investigate and learns the sickly infant abandoned by its father was the twin brother of Adolf Hitler. Even more astoundingly, he grew up to be a monk. Bennett spends the next six months searching for more clues to Hitler’s brother’s past while being relentlessly pursued by Friends of the Third Reich, an infamous pro-Nazi group. With the caretaker’s help, Bennett eventually uncovers an incredible story of deception and intrigue swirling around the greatest secret of the twentieth century. It all begins at Hagenmünster Monastery, Austria, in 1939 with Heinrich Glossen: the man who holds the key to the closely guarded Nazi secret.
Sounds really original. Also knowing the relationship between Pope Pius12 and Hitler. Could Hitler's identical twin brother been part of the Staufenberg complot? Or was there a different complot to replace him with his twin brother and thereby end the war early.? Lots of potential in whatever way!
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Yes, the twin replaced his brother in the end, but dies in the Führerbunker while Hitler lives on as a caretaker to be interviewed in Italy in 1972 by Brian Bennett right before Hitler dies of cancer.
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This has potential! If you could figure a way to have a "living" antagonist individual instead of a group of Nazi skinheads which everybody hates already, it would be stronger. How about the priest? Did he molest little girls? Have an illegitimate son? Well, if he's got the same genes as Hitler, its what you'd expect, no? Ever heard of Damian in The Exorcist? Hmmmmm.
The person you become has to do with your (1) 'genes', your (2) upbringing (3) and the people you encounter in live. Think "The boys from Brazil". The antagonist in this movie made the basic mistake thinking that every Hitler copy could only be pure evil and that this would 'always' show in his behaviour, not taking into the equation ?unknowns? (2) and (3). What would have happened to Hitler if he had grown up with the love of God (and would not have fought in WO1), as his identical twin brother did? If we start asking ourselves the questions we don't dare to ask, then that could lead to an interesting story/movie.
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