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By Egi David Perdana II

GENRE: Crime, Drama

After separating from Clement, Alena became lolita and was saved by officials, especially the general chairman of the union workers, the case befell the officials, about the lolita scandal, the scandal of officials who had underage sex was revealed, Alena was considered a prostitute and was under enormous psychological pressure and had to dealing with the consequences of rotten politics and crime.


(Spoiler Alert)

The main character is Alena, but why is the title Aline? Read to finish. ;)

After separating from Clement, Alena became lolita and was saved by officials, especially the general chairman of the union workers, the case befell the officials, about the lolita scandal, the scandal of officials who had underage sex was revealed, Alena was considered a prostitute and was under enormous psychological pressure and had to dealing with the consequences of rotten politics and crime.

The main character is Alena, but why is the title Aline? Read to finish. ;)

My synopsis is a sequel to my previous synopsis, Will I Have a Camera, Aline is a story about rotten politics with a girl named Alena as a sacrifice, a politics that seems bloodless but kills and smells bad. Narrated after parting ways by deceiving Clement "Alena" decided to become Lolita (a child prostitute), with a beautiful face and cleverness to speak, she became a subscription for masher men who like children, not infrequently she deceived her customers because Alena is indeed talented to be a con artist. Seven years as a prostitute, Alena had to lose her job because gradually she was an adult, but Alena continued to be targeted by people who are vengeful for being tricked by Alena, with her cleverness Alena could always dodge and get out of trouble, Alena then worked as an assistant nurse by faking her diploma, because Alena had never attended school, who helped her was Alain Clair, a politician considered generous who was running for general chairman of the union workers' party, as a condition for Alena to get a diploma, Alena was forced to sleep with Clair every night, Alena is Clair mistress for several years.

At her place of work Alena meets Rene, a young man of the same age as Alena who works part-time, Rene is an orphan and has to support his unstable brother, Rene's youngest brother, Jean, is very temperamental and often beats others when there is a slight problem, Clair's oldest brother, Lean, is an accomplished provocateurs who always pitted the parties in conflict and often led to mass riots, plus at that time politics in Paris was heating up. As a result of Rene's two younger siblings, Rene often has to treat his two younger siblings who are still small by themselves, because Rene's two siblings sleep more often in prison than at home.

One day Lean was shot dead by an unknown person, many say it was because Lean was a provocateur who made vengeance by any party, but Alena suspected that it was Clair, it was because Clair had caught Alena and Rene having intercourse, but Rene was not once had the prejudice to dismiss Alena's allegation that only a few months became his lover, but Alena still believes that Clair is vengeful and intends to traumatize Rene because Clair caught Alena and Rene, do not want justice not revealed even investigated the matter alone, with her intelligence to deceive her extracting information from the leaders of the union workers 'party, of course Alena had to be willing to sleep with all of them, which man was not captivated by the body of a woman, one by one the union workers' party officials began to tell stories and finally it was found that it was Clair who ordered the men to kill Lean.

The reason Clair killed Lean was not suspected at all by Alena, the real reason was because he was involved in the corruption of the procurement of educational books, he conspired with the then minister of education namely Andrea Bresson, Lean himself knew the case because he was involved in corruption, he became a courier who divided share money with some officials that Clair and Bresson bribed, one day Lean who was promised a five percent profit cursed Bresson and Clair for not getting apart, thinking that Lean would open his mouth, Clair killed him, Bresson was surprised by Clair's behavior furious, he fired Clair from his party and removed Clair from the candidate of the chairman of the union workers' party at a high-level party convention, Bresson's reason was that Clair was too vocal, the public was shocked by Bresson who fired Clair for illogical reasons, because actually Clair was very loyal to the party .

Alena who knew that Lean was killed by Clair because of corruption then told Rene everything, Rene then took the initiative to report it to the authorities, Rene had not had time to report it, Clair had been arrested first with another case that had impregnated five underage girls, unexpectedly Alena, who still slept with Clair because of diploma problems, had been pregnant for two months. Clair was later diagnosed with the HIV virus because he had slept with many women without safety, but for unlucky Alena, Clair who had already become a public scorn revealed that Alena was the most often sleep with him.

As a result, Alena was in the public spotlight, she was considered a prostitute who only targeted Clair's possessions, moreover there were some people who knew Alena as an imposter, increasingly insulting the community to Alena, Alena was increasingly depressed and stressed, during her pregnancy Alena always shut herself up in her house with only housekeeper guarded. Rene himself considers that the child Alena conceived was the child of the results of his relationship with her lover, not Clair, so that Rene sincerely cared for Alena who was pregnant until Alena gave birth with the help of assistants who were experienced as midwives. Alena's child was born and named Aline.

One day Alena was picked up by Rene after finishing a witness in the reconstruction of the Clair corruption case, Rene took Alena to the house and left it with Aunt Claudette, a household assistant, Rene went to the reconstruction site which was still ongoing with witnesses and other suspects, Rene could infiltrate by pretending to be a spectator while avoiding the police and officials he thought knew him, Rene pushed in and shot Clair repeatedly in the chest and stomach, Clair fell, Rene tried to run away, the police tried to arrest her, Rene was shouted at by a hero by the masses, while running away a few meters, a police commander who was not afraid of the masses ordered his members to shoot Rene, as a result of the riots.

Claudette saw Rene's body lying and what had happened to her master on television, she hurried to run and tell Alena, with a blank look Alena said that she already knew what Rene was going to do, because that was indeed his attitude, Alena already knew the consequences her boyfriend will get, because she was not surprised by what happened. Alena then asked Claudette to leave Aline with someone other than Rene who could make her happy, namely Clement (It's in the synopsis of Will I Have a Camera) Alena believes that Clement has become a great filmmaker, because besides not knowing much about the world of film, Alena also doesn't know that Clement was in prison, before being entrusted to her household assistant, Alena blessed Aline with hopes that her child would at least not be like her mother.

Claudette looked at Aline with the affection and concern that became one when she crossed by boat, cuddling Aline, in her heart was still ringing Alena's words, while at the ship's transit Alena watched her daughter who went away from him forever, she felt calm because in her mind Aline was now in the hands of someone who would take good care of her, but Alena felt that if someday Aline found out about herself and looked for something would happen to Alena that was not a good thing, even though in her letter she begged Clement to say that Aline's mother had passed away, but still a child's instinct would continue to search. Thinking about that too, plus a compilation of many things that made him stressed, Alena decided to throw herself into the river when Claudette's solemn thought of Alena's blessing words to Aline, Alena committed suicide not because of selfishness but because of her concern for Aline's future.

Nathaniel Baker

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