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By Egi David Perdana II

GENRE: Romance, Drama

No one wants to be laughed at. Comedians are laughed at to make a living, even Matteo. Not Shelter (Ungrateful Coward) is the second part of the Matteo trilogy.

The story about Matteo, a comedian who is famous not for being funny but because of his stupidity, he knows but that's the only way to make money that he feels he can.


The story opens when Matteo is picked up by an old man who lives alone. Aruleo, can't bear to see little Matteo crying in front of his father's body, Aruleo and kid Matteo bury Raphael body behind Aruleo's house, later Matteo will name his first child after The name of his adoptive grandfather, was because it meant so much to Matteo's eyes, but his adoptive grandfather was a marijuana addict, he even grew cannabis plants in his own garden for consumption, no wonder his whole family left him alone.

One night Aruleo who was addicted to marijuana experienced hallucinations so that he committed suicide, the police thought Aruleo was killed by Matteo, because Matteo was already a teenager and not a child he was imprisoned for 15 years, after being free Matteo tried to find work with difficulty, he also joined the group of drama players and because he was considered not talented Matteo was only used as extras, but Matteo's infatuation actually made him famous, he was famous for being laughed at, because he was so stiff on stage, Matteo became the material of ridicule and laughter, but Matteo instead thought people laugh at him because he was funny, but actually not, people laugh at Matteo because they wanted to insult him, then Matteo decided to become a comedian.

In a short time due to his stupidity Matteo became a top comedian, but humans are still humans, no one wants to be laughed at except for a bite of rice, Matteo is willing to be laughed at because he wants to survive, without realizing Matteo's psychological side becomes depressed, he thinks the whole world is laughing at him , but Matteo thinks if he is not laughed at what will make him live? And Matteo went through that for years, when at the age of 30 Matteo married Laura, Matteo fans who were 10 years younger than Matteo, Matteo married Laura because he really loved her, but the real reason Laura married Matteo was because she missed her figure a father after her father died in a fighter plane crash, where her father is a figure whose fate is similar to Matteo, who is stiff so he is often laughed at. Unexpectedly Laura is someone who is completely perfectionist, she considers that Matteo who is always laughed at has no self-respect, even though she loves that, she realizes it is none other than the memory of her father.

Slowly Laura began to hate Matteo and learned to bury everything related to her father's memories, even sleeping with other men, Laura was tired of what her husband was experiencing, she thought that her husband was a loser who was willing to be laughed at for property, one day Matteo got the news that his wife actually has a daughter, full of emotion even though he still loves his wife, Matteo also kicked his wife out of the house, especially during this time Laura seemed to always underestimate Matteo, Laura even saw this as an opportunity to leave Matteo, Laura left by bringing their children except Aruleo (Yup, Matteo took the name of the old man who took care of him) who was indeed close to his father, but Matteo regretted his actions, until finally Matteo believed that his wife would come back to him until finally Matteo made a ridiculous bet.

Matteo made a bet with his driver who happened to have a lot of debt to Matteo, even Matteo risked all his assets, the bet is that if Laura returns the driver must pay off all his debts, whereas if she doesn't return, all of Matteo's assets will be handed over to the driver. Matteo made the bet because in this film I want to portray Matteo strongly believes that his wife will return. One day when he was going to perform Matteo got the news that Laura would watch his show, Matteo became happy and believed his wife would come back to him, Laura did come with Matteo and Laura beloved daughter, Aldabell, suddenly a man arrived late and sat down at Besides Aldabell, Laura held Aldabella's hand, even the man, Matteo's hopes were crushed and he lost all his property because of a ridiculous bet.

Losing all possessions because of betting looks ridiculous and funny, but for those who experience it, it will be very suffocating and it can be experienced by anyone. For me, this second part of Matteo trilogy is a picture of real humans, the nature and conscience of the innermost human being, maybe this is my simplest synopsis but maybe also the deepest and I hope the results will not disappoint.

Nathaniel Baker

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