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A young woman is forced to deal with sexual harassment when she gets a bit part in a movie with a famous comedian.
Slam Johnson, the fatuous master of the tacky comedic catch-phrase, is starring in another all-about-the-money movie aimed at the less sophisticated end of the market. Slam’s success has made him accustomed to the privilege and deference that star entertainers so often receive.
Marnie Jones is an under-assertive student at college who desperately needs money to continue her education. During summer break she lands a bit part in Slam’s movie, based on having the look of innocence that the producer wants.
Marnie is ill-suited to be in the entertainment business. Slam's appeal baffles her. Things go increasingly wrong for her and then Slam develops a lustful interest in her. He's attracted to her because she's the only one who's impervious to the appeal of his star status.
Despite all the press about a new attitude in the entertainment industry, Marnie finds little sympathy for her plight among the movie’s producers, who are all focused on catering to their money-making star.
Fortunately Marnie is able to recruit some supporters, and with their help she manages to escape her inner wimp, and deliver Slam’s comeuppance.
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