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When his partner is killed by child traffickers, a bounty hunter will prove he’d risk his life for anyone, but he’d risk his soul for a child.
(Based on a true story)
Gone Girl meets The Hunter (1980)
“To be fixed, you first have to be broken”.
James Bodey Bodine (Bo) is the best bounty hunter in the business, he also hates pedophiles. When his partner is murdered by child traffickers, Bo will have to learn to work a murder case. If he can't solve the crime, the drunk sheriff, who he has a history with, will pin it on Bo. Bo will go through Hell to bring justice for his friend and save more children and he'll risk more than just his life to do it. This script is based on actual events that occurred in Oklahoma in 2007, during the mega-fires that burned more than 260,000 acres across five counties.