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By Axel Geran

GENRE: Romance, Drama

A broke man and a beautiful talented pianist are deeply in love, but everything goes upside down when they have a car accident and one of them gets disfigured. 


Nathan is deeply in love with Linda. He thinks about to propose her but he's battling to have money. When the opportunity to get a raise comes, he decides to fix his car to go to dinner, with his boss. He goes to a garage to fix his car but he doesn't have enough to pay for all the repairs. On the way to the dinner with Linda, they have an accident due to the poor condition of the car. Linda gets disfigured and falls into a coma. Nathan feels responsible, eaten up with remorse, he decides to go to a big city to make it big. Linda wakes up from her coma 2 months later, alone, she discovers with horror that she has been disfigured. She tries to go through life but hit by headache and other people's look. Isis her upstairs neighbor comes in contact with her and helps her. Nathan attends a night school to integrate a financial firm. He has two jobs to pay the medical expense back in his hometown. He reaches his goal and gets hired by the best financial firm in town. Quickly he makes lots of money and gets back to Linda. When reunited with Linda, she's not happy to see him. She feels played and forgotten. Nathan stays and takes his time to earn her back. He asks the help of Isis and arranges a meeting with Linda to be able to finally propose to her.

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