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By Axel Geran

GENRE: Thriller

When a young graduated of a medical school studies a wonder pill to cure cancer, he sees his dream of saving the world endangered. 


Sam starts to study the LIVAX when he's still in Medical school. After his graduation, he joins the CITEK creator of the LIVAX. He puts all his efforts into the pills, who seems for him to good to be true. He feels invests of a mission since his dad died of cancer when he was still a toddler. He decides to use himself as a test subject since his peers don't agree with him and don't allow him to put the money into his work. Since all his effort are dedicated to the LIVAX he becomes short in money. Ana his girlfriend finds him a part-time job. Sam decides to be an underground doctor in the poor part of town. He uses his position to get blood samples from his patient and uses it for his studies. He loses his part-time job and his girlfriend at the same time. He joins Gordo a local gangster to be able to get money, he becomes the personal doctor of the gang. This is when the LIVAX starts to kick in. From there he gets struck with schizophrenia and his personality splits with Shadow Sam. He kills Gordo and some other members of the gang. Mac Cullen a detective of the local police gets the case. He comes across Sam and starts to suspect him. He meets with his Ana and questions her. Sam figures this out and deceives Mac Cullen into his demise. Sam tries to get Ana with him to leave town. Ana understands the situation and confronts him. He drugs her and tries to leave with her. Pr. Marshall, Sam's old teacher comes and manages with the help of Ana to reason Sam. They bring him to the CITEK and gets him cuffed in a room. Pr. Marshall discusses with Diane Simmons the creator of the LIVAX. While discussing with her he learns that she is Sam's biological mom. Diane calls the police and makes Sam getting arrests. Ana and Pr. Marshall retrieve Sam's study and release it to the public with the help of different newspapers. Diane tries to minimize the impact of the new. Sam gets imprisoned but feels relieved that he is now free of Shadow Sam and able to exposes the LIVAX for what is it.

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