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By Stephen Atkinson


In snowbound Alaska, a group of US and British soldiers defend against invading Soviet troops determined to steal a virus deadly enough to wipe out mankind.


A virus anti-virus; dark clouds brewing into the worst snowstorm in decades. Peter and his men must dig deep to survive making their stand at hill 352. Colonel Milosevic must obtain the virus if he is going to be successful and return to the Soviet union a hero but he must overcome the one thing in his way...hill 352 and a determined Brit. Whilst Milosevic and Peter fight it out on the battlefield President Reagan and Gorbachev fight it out on the political front leading to a gritty conclusion

Nutshell: World War 3 meets Men in War


A group of men from the 2nd Yorkshire Regiment are

assigned to Alaska on an exchange. They see the deployment as

a bus man’s holiday after a tour of Northern Ireland. Belfast

and urban terrorism with the loss of friends fresh in their

minds; they are about to walk into a world of terror. A virus

and anti- virus with the possibility of a world pandemic with

160 Soviet Special Forces thrown into the mix, Peter and his

men are the last remaining hope of preventing a war between

the two superpowers.


Sergeant Peter Hawthorn (Hero) –Peter is

vibrant, youthful with a friendly temperament. A go lucky

attitude, he has a heart of gold. He strives to succeed at

everything that comes his way and this will be invaluable

when he is put to the test over and over in Alaska.

Staff Sergeant Cowley–Is a resourceful and reliable friend.

He is a professional soldier. Cowley is a man of brawn and

brains; he is the go to for Peter and a confident.

Corporal Dave Spinney – Dave is quiet and reserved a longtime

friend of Peter, he has known Peter since childhood and if

anyone can be trusted by Peter it he who Peter would confide

in the most.

Lance Corporal Wilcox (Wilco) -Wilco is a stocky man strong

as an ox but lacking in brains. He is impulsive and can be

hot headed but also the joker of the bunch.

Private Mickey Dobson –The gentle giant as he is known for

his height. He is laid back with a whatever attitude but

reliable and not one to cross as his gentle nature can turn

on a dime if upset.

Master Sergeant Collins –A man of color and great stature,

Collins has a friendly nature as he takes the Brits under his

wing, He has a devoted love for the army and a sense of duty

to honor.

Private Charlie Bealby – Friendly with a positive attitude.

Colonel Yuri Milosevic (Nemesis) – The leader of the Soviet

force, he is cruel and harsh, Psychotic with a determination

to succeed. He has little honor but is devoted to completing

his mission at whatever cost.

Captain Grabinsky – A man of honor and devotion to duty.

Lieutenant Chenyenko – Intelligent, determined and duty


Lieutenant Mirkov – Youthful with a good temperament. Has a

mean streak.

Lieutenant Kiev – He is Loyal, Friendly and an Intellect.

Set over a time period of 1 week Oct 31st -Nov 8th 1988, each episode of the 9 episode mini-series runs concurrent.


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Grace Bjarnson

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Grace Bjarnson

Interesting idea!

Stephen Atkinson

Thanks Grace its edge of the seat conclusion.

Grace Bjarnson

Cool! If you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of or want feedback on something just let me know. I'd be happy to help.

Stephen Atkinson

Thanks Grace that's Awesome I know I have a winner in Alaska Incident and I'll keep moving forward with it :)

Steve Harrison

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Steve Harrison

Thank you for the network request. This is great writing!

Stephen Atkinson

Thank's Steve...hope I can get it onto the screen :)

Rob Dunphy

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Nathaniel Baker

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Wilmer Villanueva

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