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By Brent Beebe

GENRE: Action, Fantasy

Hercules takes a vacation to New York to relive the glory days where he’s forced to battle against the Underworld in order to save not only the world, but his very soul.



I’ve always loved old Hercules movies for their camp value. I’m especially fond of the ones Steve Reeves was in. He portrayed Hercules with this lovable arrogance.

I’ve also enjoyed the fantasy/adventure genre like Clash of the Titans, Solomon Kane, Seventh Son. But they’re always more concerned about special effects over character and story.

So I took a classic character like Hercules, put in a story that ties in to his character, and added a dash of humor. An action/fantasy movie that focuses on character and story first then uses the fantasy elements like icing on the cake.


It’s an action-fantasy with the thematic elements of Incredibles with the characterization of a film like Shazam or Thor.


Hercules, bored with his life as a god on Mt. Olympus, yearns for a return to the Earth so that he can relive his glory days as a hero. Despite his father’s wishes, he makes the trip with the help of his uncle Pluto, ruler of Hades.

Now in modern-day New York, things aren’t quite the way he remembers them. He quickly manages to get in trouble with the law after walking out on an extensive bar tab. Luckily, with the help of public defender Arnold Stang, Hercules manages to get himself out of hot water and on the path to heroism starting with his rescue of passengers from a burning bus. Hercules is all set to make his big splash on the world when he’s attacked by an unknown enemy from his past. Despite assistance from his godly brethren, Hercules must face this danger alone... with an assist from Arnold, of course... a battle that will take place not only on Earth, but in the bowels of Hades itself.

Bridget Klassen-Brule

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Bridget Klassen-Brule

My question is, is there a main antagonist? "the underworld" is rather vague and abstract. I really like the concept just am curious to know who he would be facing off against.

Brent Beebe

Well, the underworld (hell) is Hades, as well as the main ruler of the underworld.

Brent Beebe

BTW, just sent you a connect.

B A Mason

Arnold Schwarzenegger's first movie?

Brent Beebe

Oh, God, no. Just using the same name as homage.

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