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At an all girl school’s retreat in the woods, a prank is played upon Mary by the mean girls. Mary uses a prayer to summon a demon to punish them, only it is far worse than what she prayed for.
Act 1 – At a senior retreat of an all girls’ religious high school, most of the girls attending walk in the path of righteousness. However, there are the mean girls lead by beautiful and controlling Debbie and her two attractive followers, Sarah and Isabella, who make plans to hook up with their boyfriends camping in the woods nearby. Only one thing stands in their way – Mary, who is deeply religious and proper. As Isabella’s buddy for the weekend, they must include Mary in everything they do.
Act 2 – Mary’s reluctance to join in their afternoon party of beer, weed, and risqué behavior with the boys, leads to a prank to embarrass her. Scared and shamed by the prank, Mary turns to Sister Beatrice to punish Debbie and her cohorts. Caught in a she said / they said situation, Sister Beatrice can not take action to punish the mean girls even though she believes Mary’s version. Wanting vengeance, Mary pleads with Sister Beatrice to punish her tormentors. Sister Beatrice revels another way. Through prayer, Sister Beatrice shows Mary how to summon the Demon Arioch to punish evil.
Act 3 – That night while the others are asleep, the mean girls go to their boyfriends’ camp where the Demon is extracting vengeance on the wicked. The night turns into a battle to survive until the morning light when the Demon returns to whence it came.
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