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The antics and the going’s on of a book store’s unique cast of employees trying to get through the day and keep their regular bibliophile’s who are loosely bound from driving them to the Self-Help section.
The Book Store is a comedy pilot about a book store which is managed by Theman Ager, a nervous, non-confrontational, sticky note eating man who makes goat noises in stressful situations. Ms. Reader is the go-to answer lady and Assistant Manager. Albert (Al) Bum works in the music department. He is a chess playing old hippie who just wants to get along. John Gage is the security guard studying to be a fireman, looking for a reason to use his new EMT skills. These people, and a few more, not only have a book store to run but handle the regulars who show up everyday. Cora is a homeless lady, who loves the book store. Problem is, Cora hasn’t seen a bar of soap for a very long time. Hardy Harhar, another regular, calls everybody by every name but their own. Leopold and his stuffed animal companion, John Quincy Adams, often disagree but love talking with the employees. And there is the family that lives in the handicap stall in the mens rest room; it goes on and on.