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He is only allowed to return to Earth with a brutal but essential mission, conquer the planet, enslave the population, and put them under the protection of the alien corporation that has claimed ownership of the solar system, or watch his home world sterilized from orbit and repopulated with an already subjugated alien race loyal to his alien abductors. The price extracted for the continued existence of the human race is high and painful, slavery, mercenary conscription, over two billion earthlings spread across the universe to fight and labor and die light years from home in the cold darkness of space. The choices he must make and the consequences they inflict will make him the most hated man in human history, but without him humanity would exist only in the annals of history as just another species lost in the genocidal intergalactic corporate wars. As long as there is life there is a chance, reviled by his fellow earthlings across the universe no one knows better then him that no matter the cost, the human species must live on to fight another day.
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This would be a great film, has a sense of inspiration here...
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