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By Seth Nesenholtz

GENRE: Romance, Independent

When a teenager wakes up convinced she’s reliving her life, she starts to radically change her life in the hopes of erasing a painful year of high school and a doomed future.


Fifteen-year-old ADA wakes up in the year 1994, convinced she's re-living her life. She confides in her best friend, NICA, about the "previous" 1994 and the mistakes she made, especially ruining a relationship with the roguish LUCY. Their traumatic breakup haunted the "future" Ada for twenty years. Nica doesn't believe Ada's ridiculous claims, but plays along, encouraging Ada to use her foreknowledge as "cheat codes" to avoid her mistakes.

Ada's first challenge is the ecology of high school -- ruthless bullies, apathetic teachers, and intricate social hierarchies. When she encounters Lucy again, she finds herself regressing back to high school anxieties. People begin to notice Ada's strange behavior, so she works with Nica to refresh herself on schoolyard politics. Nica presses her to tell her information from the future, but Ada refuses, claiming it might cause "timeline contamination," and make the "new" future drastically different than she remembers.

When a small fire disrupts the school day, Ada becomes concerned her actions have already started a cascade of changes across the timeline. The commotion at school results in an introduction to Lucy's clique. They instantly take to Ada when they hear she is somehow related to the fire. At Nica's insistence, Ada speeds up her intimacy with Lucy and things finally start to fall into place.

Ada joins Lucy's clique and starts to help them with schoolwork to get their approval. She also tries to befriend caustic queen-bee EMILY, a cheerleader in an abusive relationship with school bully JAKE. However, Ada's string of successes crashes to a halt when an historic 1994 election ends with a "different" result. Ada fears her foreknowledge is becoming useless and that her "new" future will be wildly unpredictable.

Nica encourages her to relax at a party, but when Ada gets high, she starts to talk about being from the future. She decides to embrace the chaotic nature of the universe and reshape the timeline with abandon. Ada and Lucy finally express their love for each other. The following morning, Nica confronts Ada about her marijuana-induced revelations. Ada dismisses her, but Nica insists she stop talking about traveling in time.

Ada's friends and family become aware of her increasingly-reckless behavior after she picks a fight with Jake, resulting in a black eye and a week-long suspension. Ada comes out to her parents and explains the changes in her life are for the better. Lucy expresses her concern and is angered by Ada's insufficient explanations.

After Lucy misses an important event, Ada freaks-out in the middle of school. Their friends force them to talk through their anger in the hopes of salvaging their relationship. Ada finally admits she's from the future, but Lucy doesn't believe her. The two have a very public break-up and Lucy insists Ada must be out of her mind. Nica explains that she's known about Ada's "time traveling" from the beginning, and that she played along because Ada appeared to sincerely believe that she was from the future. The revelations are cut short when Ada has a massive seizure.

Ada is admitted to a children's hospital and neurologist DR. BHANDARI discovers lesions on her temporal lobes. He explains that the growths on her brain caused both her behavioral changes and the false memories "from the future." Ada rejects the notion her memories aren't real, and looks for a way to prove herself.

During a tense morning when Ada gets a brain biopsy, Ada's physics teacher, MS. LEDESMA, arrives at the hospital looking for Ada's parents. Instead, she runs into Nica and Lucy, who decide to get high in the hospital parking lot. Ledesma reveals she's found Ada's notebook which contains a complex thought experiment. The teacher explains Ada's theory is too advanced for someone outside academia, but also shows the wisdom of a physicist who's been in academia for decades.

After her surgery, Ada wakes up with the inspiration to prove herself to Lucy. She uses sheets of exam table paper to create a massive calculation. Lucy doesn't understand the physics, so Ada begins to explain how particle physics and human emotion intersect. Meanwhile, a pathologist discovers the growths on Ada's brain aren't tumors. He and Bhandari come to the only conclusion that makes sense: Ada's brain must have gained twenty years of memories overnight, exactly as she claims.

Ada's explanation finally dawns on Lucy -- while subatomic particles may have their own destiny, the girls are in complete control of their futures. Together, they accept that no matter what happens, their love will always have a dedicated place in the cosmos.


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