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A wealthy young man living a lavish lifestyle of expensive sports cars, girls, and parties, must take in his sister’s kids after her untimely death.
This series is about a very wealthy young man who works for a consulting firm that raises capital for start-ups. He and his two best buds ride around in expensive sports cars, partying, seducing women, traveling, making way too much money, and living the life of “unknown” superstars. In the pilot, Trayvon Jackson, is out enjoying a wild night of parting with his best friends celebrating his 30th birthday. Unfortunately, before the night is over, his only sister and her husband lose their lives in a tragic car accident. As if life hasn’t already beaten him up enough, after the funeral, he learns that his two adorable nieces and nephew would like to stay with him, instead of his parents, effectively ending his days (rather his nights) of being a carefree bachelor.
How do you handle this dilemma when you are young, handsome, rich, and were never ever planning on having any children? Besides that, your Mother doesn’t trust you, your Father, doesn’t believe in you, and one of your best friends is begging you not to do it!
In this 60 minute cable television dramady series, I’d like to explore the dynamics of friendship, parenthood, success, love, sex, drugs, joy, heartbreak, and the coming of age of three successful men who are best friends and how they help each other through a very difficult situation. They will make mistakes…plenty of them. But they will have fun, and there will be girls…lots of girls! But more importantly, this series will show how love overcomes race, age, gender, culture and devastating circumstances, and it will be the best show on television (or at least your favorite)!
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