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By M.J. Masurkevitch

GENRE: Comedy

A love-triangle between her fiancé and an online VR-gigolo starts a self-destructive journey that forces Sam to confront her nightmares, face death and save her inner child.


Sam Noles already struggles to balance her gamer-girl personna with her devotion to her stable fiancé Jason. Her online customer-service job is a painful reminder of her abandoned passion to become a video game graphic artist.

That’s how her gamer friend Rob, who secretly holds a torch for her, convinces her to check the graphics in a new “virtual reality dating adventure game,” where special suits allow players to feel the sensations of the game - and each other.

There, among the horde of desperate male avatars, she meets Marcello - a VR gigolo who tires of pleasuring strangers in cute avatars. Inspired by her passion for art, he shows her around. When Rob shows his true colors, she goes to quit - when she and Marcello learn that they grew up playing the same video game. Intrigued, they begin to play missions together, and discover a safe space to be themselves.

She doesn’t realize that her new love triangle is the first step in a destructive cycle that will lead her to confront her subconscious darkness.

Finding and learning a new online-sales job keeps her too distracted to notice when the monsters of her VR adventures and a whispering, shadowy presence infiltrate the childhood flashbacks of her nightmares.

When she loses her new job to the dangers of working online with no pants, her fear of instability pushes her to abandon Marcello and double down on Jason: until he buys them matching “Sensuits” to try the game together - on their anniversary.

Finally at rock bottom, she goes to stay with her remaining gamer friends - life partners Sar and Rah, a plumber and workout coach who live and game together. When Sar pulls out some shrooms and jokes about forgetting, Sam downs them.

Escaping in an old barely-fitting cosplay of her favorite character, Sam’s hallucinations meld the tunnel under the bridge by her bus stop, and the ‘abyss level’ of her dating game, into the Jungian abyss within herself. As monsters from the game team up with her nightmares, she must fight from the brink of drowning to save her inner child.

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