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By Tilak Raj

GENRE: Romance, Musical
LOGLINE: Protagonist Walker lands in a sleezy night club where he meets cabaret dancer Helen who accepts him as her fiance and turns him a Pimp.. He accepts the harsh existential realities of life.


Cabaret Red Light is a 3hr feature film screenplay. It targets global audiences who know English and can enjoy cabaret scenes. it has 20 cabaret songs. Lead characters are cabaret dancers HELEN, HILDA and COCO. Helen is a talented cabaret dancer, but her personal family factors and social milieu have forced her to a hooker life style. Hilda is a down to earth pragmatic lady. She has chosen cabaret life for money and fun. Coco is a dynamic hooker anď must seduce any wealthy man who meets her by chance. Protagonist WALKER is an educated vagabond who lands in the sleezy night club Cabaret Red Light for a job. Hilda helps him to adjust himself to the new cabaret milieu. Helen accepts him as a lover and prospective life mate, especially for her old age. Walker loves all cabaret dancers and generously admires their art. But as obvious in his public talk, it's very much clear that he knows their hooker life style very well. Thus, accepting Helen as a life long fiancee has negative social implications. Facing men who have been using Helen is very mentally tormenting. Anyway, he tries to understand his own life sitz im leben and must join Helen for financial security even if he has to operate as her Pimp.. He must accept the dynamics and limitations of cabaret life. While they're trying to understand one an other, bloody corona pandemic lockdown forces them all to face the terrible times that have fallen on the whole world. The sudden turn in global tragic happenings force them to come closer. They develop strange intimacy which is rare in sleezy night clubs. Night Club opens after one year and few months. They celebrate the reopening very joyfully. Two teen girls from the Red Light area start chasìng Walker. One morning while Walker is lying too much drunk, they rape him and run away. Hearing the sound of their shoes, he wakes up and we fade out. Funny cabaret songs, Joker's funny acting and seductive sensuous cabaret keep the audiences laughing in the whole story.

Tilak Raj

I tried to upload screenplay, but there was a server problem.

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Tilak Raj

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