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By Laura Hockridge

GENRE: Drama

Upon inheriting her family's failing winery after her twin brother's death, a woman on the verge of 50 and in a crumbling marriage fights to reclaim her roots, revive the vineyard's legacy, and find redemption in Paso Robles wine country, where her future – and past – are at stake.


The Pilot: “The Long And Winding Road”

Approaching 50, DELCY REEVES is at the age where she is supposed to have her life together and, yet everything is falling apart.

Delcy and her husband RYAN return to her family's vineyard CLOVER HILL in Paso Robles, CA after her twin brother KEITH’S sudden death. Upon their arrival, she discovers the vineyard is drowning in debt, with foreclosure looming. As Delcy tries to stabilize the situation, she meets the vineyard's loyal but unpaid staff ALMA and MIGUEL who reluctantly agree to stay on a few more days if she can settle their back pay. GAGE, the prickly and perfectionist winemaker, warns Delcy it will take months for the current wine vintage to be ready for sale, while ZAKK BLADES, a former rockstar neighbor, is eager to buy the vineyard for far less than its value.

Struggling to raise immediate cash, Delcy pawns her fancy wedding ring, while her strained relationship with Ryan, who suggests declaring bankruptcy, adds to her frustration. In town, Delcy runs into her high school boyfriend, DREW, now a lawyer married to her former rival JEN. She also spots her estranged AUNT GOLDIE but avoids her, harboring resentment over her parents’ death in a car crash, which she believes was Goldie’s fault. Delcy convinces MIA YANG, a savvy Gen Z wine marketer, to organize a flash sale at the vineyard.

The flash sale faces numerous obstacles, including a heavy rainstorm and a police visit triggered by Zakk's anonymous tip. Delcy's determination falters, but a vision of Keith encourages her to keep fighting. With the help of neighbors ROY and LUNA BREWER, and their precocious teen son BOBBY, Delcy moves the event indoors, making enough money to survive another day. After a conversation with Gage, who reveals more about his life and side project creating spirits from leftover grapes, Delcy's hope is renewed. As the night ends, Aunt Goldie arrives, offering her help, and Delcy realizes she must finally confront her past to secure the vineyard's future.


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