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By Tasha Lewis

GENRE: Family
LOGLINE: As you open your eyes each morning, you get to make a choice of how you will spend your day; that choice will set in motion a series of life changing moments that make life determining decisions that will set the stage for your next scene. (“You live to die another day.” James Bond movie Die Another Day, or “Just surviving”) Cuba scene filmed in Spain


The alarm clock goes off and music suddenly comes on in it’s place. As the business executive glances out the window at the garden full of flowers. A smile appears on his face as he thinks of all of the interesting and exciting experiences that will make up his next business trip. On the other side of the world is a parent who just learned that she’s about to become a grandmother. Not how she planned it, after her child graduates from the university and marries. Instead, on the way back from studying abroad, her kid hands her a new grand baby. In a library in the middle of downtown, a assistant professor of research works on their PhD Project while trying to people watch for some future projects. On the PA system, they announce the library is closing in 30 minutes. 3 Act or Mini Movie Method for my synopsis If you are blessed to open your eyes each morning, how will you invest it? Copyright@2023-2025 All rights reserved

Marcos Fizzotti

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Tasha Lewis

Thank you’ll for rating my new project! A comparison would be the TV shows God Friended Me and Person of Interest.

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