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By Tasha Lewis

GENRE: Thriller
LOGLINE: First there was undercover boss which highlighted CEOS going undercover to learn the inside outs of the inner workings of their enterprise; now, comes The Disappearing CEOS about CEOS who are turning up missing or replaced due to mysterious circumstances. Like being coded over on Social Media. Like in “Overcoming Adversity By A CEO.” (See Social Media News Reels. Coding and Timelines)


Corporate America has become a source of employment and a measure of status. Some thrive for it while others try to avoid it for a simpler and tranquil lifestyle. CEOS who take on these new roles have to be able to weather almost any storm or turbulence that comes their way. From board room tactics to annual meeting flair, leaders have to be willing to become a survival of the fittest mindset. In today’s corporate climate, they have to be able to swim with the sharks or be eaten by them. In some extreme cases, Houdini like skill set maybe the daily routine. Whether your standing around the water cooler or disappearing in between meetings for mysterious liaisons which can shift the balance of the entire organization. 3 Act or Mini Movie Method for my synopsis Are we being coded over? Rebranded without our knowledge? Start interviewing CEOS. To get their testimony. Will use a diverse group of CEOS. Copyright@2023-2025 All rights reserved

Nathaniel Baker

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Tasha Lewis

Thank you for rating my loglines. In keeping with the awards theme, the TV Series The Consultant would be an illustration or Extant or Enemy of the State or Americas Book of Secrets (2012-2021)


DeShawn Buckner

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Robert Arakelyan

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Chris Nelson

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Arthur Charpentier

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Preston Michael Simpson

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Preston Michael Simpson

keep working on this

Rose Scott

Example Logline: “In ‘The Disappearing CEOs,’ corporate leaders begin to vanish under mysterious circumstances, prompting a relentless investigator to uncover a dark web of corporate rebranding and sinister manipulations that echo the deceptive practices of social media coding.”

Rose Scott

A Second Example Logline: “In ‘The Disappearing CEOs,’ a tenacious cybersecurity expert is drawn into a chilling mystery when CEOs start vanishing, only to discover a covert operation using advanced technology to manipulate and replace corporate leaders.”

Mark Deuce

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