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By Sue Townley Monkress

GENRE: Fantasy

A young girl meets an interesting being that changes her life forever. 


A young girl (Calli) is about to be run down by a motorcycle, when a lightening-fast young man hurls her out of its path. Gabe is a mysterious exchange student, with a delightful accent.

Gabe and Calli slowly get acquainted and soon become infatuated with each other. He’s the gentleman she’s always dreamed of meeting. Soon, the attraction sizzles – and she is completely falling for him. In her frustration after he seems distant, Calli threatens to break off their relationship. Desperate, Gabe reluctantly confesses to her that he’s an angel, sent to help others.

Together, they experience several sad episodes with friends in high school: Dasia’s unwanted pregnancy, Tack’s arrest and jail time, and sweet, innocent Brett’s death. To further complicate things, Calli’s home life often is stressful. Her father drinks excessively and her parents frequently feud.

And then … there’s a confrontation with Brandon (A demon …?)!!

Gabe supports Calli emotionally through these struggles and Calli, Gabe and her friends experience some happy events together – “Think Club,” dances, a magical prom and graduation. But in spite of their intense feelings for one another and her desperate pleas, Gabe knows he must leave Calli and return home. After telling her he loves her, he promises that they will meet again for a wonderful new existence -- forever.

After he ascends into the sky, slowing disappearing from her sight, Gabe sends a sign, which gives her a happy resolution: a pink, heart-shaped cloud drifts down toward Calli. She has a sudden vision of her earthly purpose – to become a psychiatrist and help people cope with PTSD. Now she is at peace and resigned to Gabe’s departure.

The story ends with a tentative Gabe on his knees at the feet of his Lord …

lovingly welcomed home.

Nathaniel Baker

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