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A driven single mom who loves Christmas gets paired with a Scroogey slacker on a college Sociology project about the Human Comfort Zone - something they'll explore first-hand. It's a story that shows what great things come when you step out of your comfort zone, finding balance and mending relationships.
Andi Andrews, 25, only has one semester of community college classes left along with one more Christmas, he hates everything about this time of year and pretty much hates everything else. But after some pleading, Andi's able to convince him to meet with her to study during her rare free time.
Andi, as if she wasn't busy enough, takes over the planning that Mrs. Mackay (her 87 year old friend) was doing for a Foster Child Benefit Christmas party. Asher, terrified of babies, even offered to babysit one evening when Andi was in a pinch. He finds her notes and to-do list for the foster party and got busy building Cornhole game boards and toys for the foster kids. He loves working with his hands - hates the business side of running the family hardware store.
Ironically, working on the Sociology of Comfort Zones, stretches them past what they thought was comfortable and into a day together playing in the snow with the baby and a passionate kiss that comes so naturally and comfortably. It soon becomes undeniable that they should be together.
Until a petrified Andi reminds herself that she had sworn off dating. Things get more complicated when Mrs. Mackay's grandson, Nathaniel, comes to stay with her after she's released from the hospital. Asher thinks that Andi is dating Nathaniel and avoids her like the plague. It doesn't work - their lives have become too entangled.
Andi loses her job but in her newly found spare time, she helps Asher bring the hardware store's books and inventory up to date (he didn't even use a computer for any of it - yikes). He offers Andi the internship she needs to graduate. Another perk to the job: she can bring her baby to work - no more worrying about daycare! When Andi and Asher present their final project, Asher instead professes his feelings for Andi. This time, instead of running away, Andi lays a big wet kiss on him in front of the entire class. And that's what happens when you step out of your comfort zone.