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By Bob Bowersox

GENRE: Drama

A young homicide detective with an extraordinary artistic talent that he's hidden from his colleagues and by-the-book police captain father has his two worlds collide when a series of deadly home invasions brings him face to face with a beautiful art gallery owner who discovers his secret.


Copyright: PAu 2-687-218, R. T. Bowersox

SEAN REGAN has an extraordinary artistic talent. But he is also a detective, son of a by-the-book captain, and heir – with his brother MIKE and cousin KEVIN -- to the revered Regan name. So Sean hides his artistic side for fear it would indicate a softness no Regan should have.

But his world is upended when a violent home invasion leaves the owner of an art gallery dead. Sean finds a home filled with original oils, including a Monet. While interviewing LYSSA ABRAMS, the gallery curator and granddaughter of the murdered man, he lets slip knowledge of how Monet used a brush to get an effect. Lyssa asks him if he paints. Sean deflects her, and as an eye-witness to the killing – having inadvertently caught a glimpse of one of the killers – says she will need protection.

Sean, Mike, and his colleagues -- FRANK COLLINS, RON BURGESS, and if he’d ever get off the phone, BOBBY MOSES -- work the case, it’s obvious the crew has inside information. Meanwhile, one of the crew – a vicious guy named CROWLEY – gets a call from the crew’s leader (as yet unseen by us) who tells him Lyssa Abrams has to be eliminated.

Lyssa presses Sean, getting him to reveal his artistic side. She asks to see his paintings, and he agrees, but they find that someone (Crowley) has left a calling card at her home – a hunting knife through the Monet. Sean gets a call that there’s been another invasion.

This new crime has left two more dead, indicating the criminals want no more witnesses. A tip leads to a fence. During the interrogation, Kevin, trying to impress Thomas, gets rough with the fence hoping Thomas will elevate him to Homicide. This violence from his own family disturbs Sean.

Meanwhile, Crowley tracks down Lyssa, and almost eliminates her but for the arrival of a cop sent by Sean to pick her up. Sean shows Lyssa his paintings, which move her to tears. Sean’s phone rings, but Lyssa turns it off as they make love.

Next morning, Sean learns that Mike is on life-support, shot at another invasion caught in progress. When he finds out Sean was painting and consorting with a witness, Thomas is livid, and berates Sean for not being there for his brother.

After Mike’s death, Sean redoubles his efforts, focusing on the aspect of an inside connection and looking hard at Bobby Moses, who always seems absent when the crimes occur. At Sean’s loft, Lyssa finds a picture Sean painted of Kevin. She recognizes him as the crew leader she saw. She’s confronted by Kevin, who takes her at gunpoint.

Meanwhile, Sean again braces the fence, who reveals that Kevin was the man who brought him into the crimes, and where his base is. Calling for backup, Sean and his mates converge on the warehouse. Sean confronts Kevin. A shootout leaves Sean wounded and Kevin dead.

Thomas tells Sean he’s proud of the way he acted despite it being his own blood he was after, and that he was sure Sean was a cop worthy of the Regan name. But Sean tells Thomas that he’s going to follow his artistic sensibilities. “But you’re a Regan,” Thomas says, “a cop…all you’ve ever been, all you’ll ever be.”

“We’ll see,” Sean says, tossing his badge to his father and walking away with his arm around Lyssa.

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