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As the last line of the country's defense, a mystery man with two artificial faces makes the world safe with an unlikely team while coming to grips with his real identity.
Money Machine is the first of a series of five features which could also be rewritten into an hour TV series. It would be compared to a Bourne / Bond meld.
Our protagonist (Zero) opens the story revealing he has two false identities. After making his way to an underground secret op bunker(The Vault), we meet B7 and C12, and his confidant 9. We learn that banks are losing money on an ongoing basis without any clue how it occurs. The Russians, Tetris and Alexei Bronstein (antagonists) expose intentions for computer hacking in the USA. General Li and the Chinese PLA (antagonists) also make their intentions clear.
In the Watergate Hotel where Zero lives, we also meet the politicians are involved in congressional committees and policy . The stakes are then raised when 9 gets a call and learns that credit card info and biological data have been hacked from GUF (Facebook). Zero investigates with and FBI team (Ortez, Clark, Miles) at GUF headquarters in a meeting with Elke Schmidt and the GUF team. We learn that GUF’s CEO Elke Schmidt (antagonist) is a doppelganger of B7. The murder of Fritz Schmidt again escalates the tension and mystery. Simon Hall of SeekIt (Google) and Kimberly Stuart of InternetMall (Amazon) and Alpha Phone (Apple) appear after being in hiding for unknown misbehavior by their employers.
They help Zero catch Alexei Bronstein who is interrogated in a moving ambulance until confessing the crime. At the last minute, Tetris’s wife is apprehended after making the withdrawal by the FBI team. 9 and Zero also figures out that Elke Schmidt is also masked and a Russian spy, so they go to GUF to confront her. After a struggle she is wounded by Zero and escapes with a hard drive in a secret elevator to a parking garage. Zero discovers that the elevator goes even lower and is the emergency exit for the Vault. 9 collects her blood for gnome analysis through which they can determine her phenotype and reconstruct her face. (real technology) The bank heist is solved, some of the money recovered, the murderer is identified by not apprehended.
The groundwork is setup for the election focused Money Outta Politics, a fresh modern take on the 1824 election scenario.
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