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By James Austin McCormick

GENRE: Sci-fi

An ageing, on his way down boxer bets everything on one last fight.


Things haven’t been the same in boxing since the federation lifted the ban on cybernetic repairs in 2035. But these repairs don’t come cheap. A fighter has to keep getting back into the ring just to pay for them, resulting in more injuries and therefore the need for more treatments. It’s a vicious cycle and Carl, an ageing, on his way down contender, and his manager-brother, Rennie are eager to get out. The only way is to bet everything on one last fight against “Lucky” Lagowski, an out of shape, glass jawed loser who nevertheless has good odds owing to the fact he’s miraculously won his last three fights on technicalities. Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? It isn’t.

Nathaniel Baker

Rated this logline

Phil Clarke

This is the start of a story; a logline should convey more of the overall tale. Something of the stakes involved, the conflict/antagonistic force. If you can work this in, your logline will be doing more of the required heavy-lifting. If you'd like a logline helpsheet I put together for my own clients, do message me directly.

James Austin McCormick

Thanks for the advice Phil - I thought I had done this with the "fight" indicating the conflict and "bets everything" indicating what's at stake (i.e. he will become penniless). I realise now I need a little more detail- thanks for taking the time to comment. I very much appreciate it. I will try and re-work this logline

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