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By CC Williams

GENRE: Action, Drama

Flex's gaming addiction only grows as an escape, when real life is nothing like the game, until Flex is forced to confront his lazy ass!


Flexible, age 7-15, medium shaped and well kept, of british nationality, born to a german father Karl, and british mother Elizabeth with no siblings. A middle class family, living in London, Flex lives free with his parents into the attic, he pays no rent, obsessed with gaming, all his mind, why he works odd jobs to buy video games, exhausting his allowance to buy more games. His only desire is to play games, as his two friends Timothy and Oliver, utterly negligent of his household duties, things like cleaning his room, cutting the lawn, personal care and education - Flex is just about gaming. His parents provide first and last rent, to remove him from the home, saying take care of you, you’re on your own!

Flex now 5’10, age 20-35, a bit sloppy and out of shape, now living on his own in a small room inside a flat a good distance from his parents. Flex still lacks the interest to work, into just gaming, he doesn’t fully live into his reality. Obsessed with nothing else, has Flex enrolled in college specifically to study the industry of gaming. Flex has a girlfriend, it’s nothing serious but casual, why Nila feels Flex is always distracted why he neglects her. Nila talks to him about it, he gets upset, only obsessed with gaming. Nila withdraws, and their constant separation doesn’t deepen the relationship, why it breaks one day to permanent. Flex reacts to the breakup by deeper immersing himself into more and more games, utterly addicted he has no time for anything. Flex keeps in touch with his parents, always programmed with gaming, has him manage to call every two to three months at a time. He holds a part-time job at a gas station where he’s the gas boy. Flex lives a lazy lifestyle, he’s the type that eats and falls asleep before the tv - GAMING. His room is a hot mess, not living with his parents only deteriorates his existence. Where he lives, he must close the door to locked, paranoid of the owner entering uninvited before he cleans. Flex no longer has his mother’s domestic maintenance to bask in, why he lags behind on his own. He’s a game geek, loud when he plays, amused with his games, he plays like into a theatre, so deep he can feel its entire experience. Flex is obsessed, nothing passes through his mind when gaming, addicted like a sports fan to the game. In time, condo owner Ricardo addresses Flex’s rowdy behavior. Now forced to leave, leads Flex into another job, doing clean up and shampooing cars, where he learns to drive having to transport cars that need repair. Landing a job at this mechanic shop increases Flex’s pay, which rewards him to secure another place. He gets his licence, buys a car, and goes to college classes a few times a week while working. Flex then meets Annie, her family is wealthy, so they decide to combine resources together to balance the space and budget to save. Annie is efficient to handle the bills, Flex is into her for this, Annie replaces his mother’s position of the past he is negligent too. Annie understands guys and gaming, BUT Flex pushes her too far, always consumed, distracted and forgetful, greatly upsets her, so she tells him about it. Nothing changes, Flex doesn’t get Annie’s message, so after a few months of their relationship, Annie moves out. Flex is left alone, AGAIN. The bills Annie is good at balancing, Now are left to him. Flex finds himself stuck with rent and car payments. He sells his car, forced to pay the bills. One day, Flex goes to a casino to gamble his luck, and he wins $5,000. Excited about it, he uses $2,000 out of it to pay more bills. Then he takes $1,000 from it and returns to the casino. This time, Flex wins a whopping $10,000 more, plus the $2,000 remains from his first win, equaling $12,000. Flex deducts another $1,000 from it, then returns to the casino. He wins an extra $30,000. He decides to talk to the guys at the garage about purchasing an expensive car. Flex gets the deal, and his new fame begins with endless girls attracted to the car. There are lots of girls, as Flex parties it up at various clubs. Girls buy him drinks, having excessive fun. Living the young playboy lifestyle, Flex drops out of college, unable to keep up, resulting in no interest in school, pooped with his single life, the way his mind thinks, only about gaming, girls, excessive drinking and sex.

Now aged 40-50, Flex becomes more aware of himself, especially his waste of an investment, his time, mainly to do with gaming. Girls spend money on him to have a good time, why he gets to save his money. Flex doesn’t know how much money he’s saved over time into his bank account, stunned at how much he’s really saved he buys another car, a sports car to sell. Flex thinks to invest into cars, a private sports car rental company to maintain his lifestyle. He rents and sells his investments online. He makes his money, lives in a condo, supports himself, only casually dating now, still addicted to the game. Flex never gives his full attention to any female, He has no kids or plans to conceive anytime soon. Still misunderstood, Flex’s parents leave their mentally distracted son to himself, precisely to witness his becoming through more time.on his own. The world of gaming leaves no space for Flex to have a serious relationship. Today Flex is successful, operating his own business online from home, alone, with his one game console in hand, BUT he’s lonely.

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