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Obsessed with her vanity, Laura doesn't see her own brokenness, so repeats her insane self to exhaust, unconsciously trapped in darkness she lives into another world.
Into this colorful illusion called life exist many different minds, each conditioned by circumstance. Certainly, people each look like real people, while each person’s mind exists one’s real truth deeper than one’s physical person. Day in and day out, people animate our world like active puppets of energy, embodying this sphere we term planet earth, our very existence called life. Again, this mind of us exists true life, one’s real truth, one’s true core of being. In contrast, a person of no mind exists no more than a vegetable, a form with no headpiece, a useless victim of no mind, no mind development.
One day Laura Lasenza and the love of her life split, Fredrick has enough of ways Laura operates herself. Her behavior to him is annoying and unladylike so he deserts her for the last time. They’ve broken up before, Laura is always the problem, while the two of them exist so much alike besides being male and female. Fredrick pinpoints cheap ways Laura is already, despite that they are teenagers, early he notes smoke signs of danger to do with her, so wisdom enlightens his mind to disconnect.
When together, Fredrick enjoys Laura but only while in sexual play. Her real mind turns him off, and results in violent outbursts no real man could ever ignore, as a female with no mind is most unattractive and dreadful. Laura’s real person is totally vain, perverted and arrogant, only Laura lives obsessed with her person, utterly convinced of her beauty, a narcissist to the bone, as though superior to others, while in truth, Laura is one of the most empty and dull people alive. Laura just lives, and never learns much, so repeats her insane self to exhaust. She doesn’t see her own brokenness, how needy her truth really is, so lives an entire world of deception. Laura Lasenza, a real person, yet she has spiritually died since love lost, now her shadow operates her person in body, a real person with no mind.
Growing up Laura had multiple bad habits, weaknesses she leaves unchecked. Through time, excessive indulgence and neglect of development clearly reveal a person, as does a lifestyle of no discipline or discretion, leaves behind its scattered residue of reckless, no invested sense. Vanity of vanities is all Laura knows of life to be, duality is the game she plays, clothed in riddles of confusion, this tease sleaze, performs immature stunts on young boys unaware of deceit.
Evil perverts Laura in its possession of her, selfish and immoral has Laura greedy, thirsty for illegal sexual pleasure not consensual. Laura the opportunist, obsessed with the exhaust of her private space, never satisfied, she plays her secret life undercover, addicted to infidelity, rewards her public shame, labeled as a vain Gypsy girl.
Clueless of her vanity, only a puppet of darkness, Laura Lasenza isn’t all there, of no mind, really dead in spirit, unconscious of self, numb to true life, mentally programmed of modern life. Disconnected in mind to true life has Laura wander through shadows of evil, pitiful in tears she seeks human validation, full of lies each designed to convince others, has her forfeit her foolish self to the serpent’s bidding. Laura lives enslaved, lost into lustful passions that destroy beautifully it’s blinded victims. Covered in full ego Laura is her lowest self, despicable in shame she lives in denial, totally oblivious to her mental sickness, how far worse she’s become, how devastating evil has betrayed her in using her as its empty puppet, cheapening her value to naught.
The wheel of the inflated dream, full of twists and turns, ravishes greatly upside down minds not developed to hopeless ruin and sadness of mind. Evil acts Laura commits permanently have no one convinced, clearly identified as a fraud. Laura’s entire life is always about attention, gaining a reaction, being seen, considered of the opposite sex. Laura operates as though she’s normal, doing deeds as normal people do, while nothing Laura is normal, she just looks like a real person, yet evil is her way of life, the path of the deceiver that perverts is what she’s about.
After love lost, Laura broke quietly inside, while acting strong on the exterior, her world crumbled when she got dumped, as her awful, unladylike habits disqualified her for relations with the love of her life. Damaged inside and outside, have Laura not considered for much, that has her so deeply desperate for connection and touch. Females like Laura don’t wait for much, too forward in desire sets them back as options for anyone. Life embodies great wisdom, still Laura lives incapable to absorb its blessings, why she lives to suffer the battered lifestyle. Such females battle their own mind, their own spirit inside. When out of alignment with one’s deeper truth, the struggle in mind continues.
Laura totally pretends to be someone she’s not, deliberately disguising her perversions, fetishes and deceit, clearly she wears clothes to hide her serpent filth, while undercover she’s a conscious murderer. Undercover duality is Laura’s world of chaos and confusion, as she lost her mind her world continues to spin, this clueless, foolish clown, loose as a Gypsy.
One fortunate day for Laura arrives, when an interested male named Jay is instantly attracted to her unknown person. Instead of approaching her right away, the thought to follow her instead dominates his mind, IF first she’s worthy of time, so he follows. Jay’s discovery and experience of Laura begins just for a few days, then a few months, all to review and discover this new female of his interest.
In the end, Jay’s interest in females turns absolute sour, as truths he discovers about this female’s lifestyle and character, leave him extremely in endless fright and mistrust of women, why he decides to remain single, instead choosing to pursue his artistic ability to dance. Fast forward, Jay falls in love with his deepest passion and greatly it shows.
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