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By Lisa R Malone

GENRE: Drama

Two small business owners meet in a therapist's office and begin to fall in love but cannot further their relationship because of scars and pain from their past.


Two small business owners in Texas catch each other's eye at an educational workshop on stress management at a local high school. They don’t officially meet until about a week later in a therapist’s office.

Brisa, a woman in her late 30’s and wears a demure smile. She is a flower shop owner who finds value and inspiration by experiencing and learning new things. Brandon is also in his late 30’s,and is tall, dark, and handsome. He is a hands-on Vineyard owner who enjoys sharing his time with his family and friends.

After their individual therapy sessions, Brandon asks Brisa to join him for a cup of coffee and asks her to dinner the very next night at his place. The chemistry between them is clear and they seem to connect on every possible level. Brandon’s sister and father find out that he has found someone who they are very excited to meet. They spend time together going out to eat, hiking, riding together on Brandon’s motorcycle and they begin to fall in love. They encourage one another to be adventurous by doing activities outside of their normal comfort zone. With their ongoing support from their therapists, they acknowledge their own struggles and make tremendous progress. Being in their late 30’s, they are beyond the typical adolescent dating games. They dream and make plans for a happy life together. Brisa, who has no immediate family of her own, is welcomed with open arms by Brandon’s father, sister, and her two young children.

Their relationship becomes more serious when Brandon suggests they merge their businesses together. Diving further into their relationship’s intimacy, he reveals that he is ready for them to move in together as well. One day, while on a hiking trip through the canyons, a strong thunderstorm brings on an unexpected flash flood, forcing them to seek shelter together up on a high ledge. This experience strips away their pride and leaves them with only their survival skills and rushing adrenaline. Once they survive the night, Brisa and Brandon become comfortable with themselves and who they are as a couple.

Their therapy has been their saving grace. It has taught them about who they are, given them ways to cope, and made them realize that it’s okay to have issues. Suddenly, more disaster strikes. The unexpected and tragic death of Brandon’s sister Danielle devastates them both and puts their relationship and happiness in jeopardy. Brandon had promised his sister if anything happened to her, he would raise her two young children as his own. Brisa and Brandon’s father are concerned that Branson feels responsible for Danielle’s death. Brisa sees the drastic change in the family dynamics and hopes Brandon doesn’t fall back into the trenches. Brisa comforts Brandon by talking about his grief and supporting him. She is proud that he has honored his sister's request to take care of the children. Brisa acts as a vital part in helping Brandon and the children recover. Brisa comforts the three of them.

One night, while Brisa puts the children to bed, Brandon stands in the doorway listening as they say their prayers. Before they drift off to sleep, the children say good night and call her “Aunt Brisa”. The next day, Brisa is in the garden with the children harvesting vegetables. Brandon brings them a tray of lemonade and to see what they are up to. Jessica and Matthew pull Brandon over to the corner of the garden and show him a bunch of blue forget-me-nots, their mother’s favorite flower that just started growing out of nowhere on their property. Jessica tells Brandon that Aunt Brisa said that is how they know their mom is watching over them.

Meanwhile, Brisa and her staff are in the barn preparing flower arrangements for an event that evening. Brisa goes into the kitchen to check the computer for the day’s event set-up. Jessica and Matthew come running into the kitchen and tell her that Uncle Brandon needs her in the bedroom right away. Brisa walks into the bedroom and sees Brandon lying on his side with his back towards the door. Brisa walks around the other side of the bed and gasps. Brandon has rose petals and flowers spread out everywhere on the bed. Brisa lays down next to Brandon as he proceeds to proclaim his love for her and asks her to marry him. Brisa happily accepts. Brandon, Brisa, Jessica and Matthew are a family. They walk together through the vineyard as the sun sets on yet another beautiful day. Brandon says, “Life perpetuates. Although our individual lives are short, we need to enjoy every day we’re given. We need to embrace every person that we love. Love is the glue that keeps us all together. We need that glue, because life...does go on.”

Nathaniel Baker

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