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When a crime journalist loses his wife and children due to a mob boss, he takes revenge single-handedly, until he becomes a pawn in an international chess game.
In WORLD ORDER the world begins small. A crime journalist is the victim of a vindictive mafia boss, until the roles are reversed. However, both the mafioso and the journalist ultimately turn out to be pawns in a major international game of chess. World Order contains about three feature films, or is adjustable to twelve series.
In the first part a crime journalist, husband and father of two children, turns from a family man into one of the most wanted killers in the country. This all within two years. Jack Sanders loses his wife and children at the hands of a powerful mafia boss (Enrico Luís), but after a long preparation he strikes back mercilessly and ruthlessly. It slowly becomes clear to the viewer that the journalist is involved in the way the Mafia clan is being torn down. The central role he plays, however, forms a climax in the story. Jack has sought help from a powerful international organization. At the head is a blind man who connects the upper and lower worlds, even in the buildings of governments and multinationals. At the end, however, it becomes uncertain who is helping whom.
In the second part, Legion, Jack starts in captivity. With the help of the organisation he escapes, after which a national manhunt breaks loose. Surprising and crucial detail is: the grandson of his archrival Luís is now his foster son (Adan Luís). Jack even manages to stay under the radar during a harsh period in rural areas in South Africa. A special arrest team takes him by surprise, but it is not part of the police force. He is conscripted into a secret service that wants to take over a shadow force in the police force. He pulls young Adan into this special training program. Both of them will work on a new world order, without realizing it at first.
In the final part, The Gaia File, there is a big climax around the organisation behind the blind leader who has recruited Jack. Jack and Adan start as 'father and son', but end up as arch-enemies. The large international organisation wants to create a new world order, power oriented, governed from big cities and business, and no longer from politics and national borders. The now badly damaged Jack is a loyal employee and executor of these plans, without knowing exactly what the disastrous consequences will be. The intelligent Adan, once grandson of the mafia boss Luís, goes out on his own research and gets the choice whether he wants to put an end to this or not.
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