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By Annisa Belonogoff

GENRE: Thriller
LOGLINE: A young doctor becomes an eyewitness to a horrific crime and witness protection is her only option. The Estate looks charming on the outside, some would say luxury, but everyone is keeping a secret and with a target on her back safety is more dangerous than it seems.
Nate Rymer

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Phil Clarke

There's a lot of promise in this logline, but the connection between your lead (the young doctor) and the estate could do with being made more transparent. Is this where she goes to live under witness protection? If so, how come? Are all the residents of The Estate in the witsec program? Or did the horrific crime occur in the Estate? It's all a little loosely communicated at present.

And just as an aside: you may want to rethink the title as there has been a film recently released called The Estate by Signature Entertainment (starring Ana Faris, Toni Collette etc).

If you'd like more help with developing this logline, Annisa, do message me and I can go into more detail. Happy New Year!

Annisa Belonogoff

Thank you Phil! Sorry just saw this. I would love the help!

Robin Gregory

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