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By Natlie Pitt

GENRE: Drama, Romance

Hidden away on a Small Island sixty miles west of mainland San Francisco, is the small Island of Sandy; where San Francisco District Attorney's family reside. When a devastating betrayal render his family to pieces, his Ex's life took a Powerful Political turn...


When Faith, wife of San Francisco District Attorney Eric French, found herself reeling from betrayal, she sunk beneath the waves of despondency. With the help of her French Assistant and her seven year old daughter Katherine, an unexpected journey began. Her exquisite beach side residential mansion beneath the waves of Sandy Island welcomes sunrise and sunset of unparalleled beauty. With each passing day, Sunkist skies and unwavering tides beacon her back to life. Among the many people who adore Faith is her ever adorning Mother-in-law who would readily rebuke her own son to embrace Faith, whom she loves as her own daughter. In the midst of embracing everything she once excluded and re-evaluating the new meaning of her life, she was swept into a powerful political status and unseen world of Love Leadership and Politics.

Natlie Pitt

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Wilmer Villanueva

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Nathaniel Baker

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David Pitt

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Tasha Lewis

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Amazing Kacee

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Natlie Pitt

Kacee Diehl DeMassi Jealousy and lies are not constructive criticism... Quit wasting people's time with your garbage and move on. Everyone knows a great logline is all about the story-at the end of the day, a great story is what sells. Now please move on

Natlie Pitt

Kacee DeMassi lol

Natlie Pitt

As a hard working Novelists who introduce our work on this platform, we must keep our eyes open to be able to defrenciate constructive criticism from jealousy. I am a hard working accomplished Novelist and Author who came across such a person on Stage 32 who is not qualified to give such feedback. Please be aware folks.

Nate Rymer

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Natlie Pitt

Out of respect for your creativity, dedication to your project and completion of your project, I will always take everything including the brilliance of your idea into consideration when rating. I will never just rate a person's logline. I take everything into consideration. Now that's fair

Gen Vardo

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David Pitt

You truly are an amazing writer!

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