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Jayden finally gets a shot at hanging out with the most beautiful girls in town. Only one issue... He fears they may be literal monsters.
Young Jayden is best friends with Kevin, who took him into his home in their teen years after Jayden's mom had a schizophrenic meltdown. Now they have their own apartment together and are hoping to bare the fruits of the bachelor life only to have hit a rough patch in life with the ladies. That is until they bump into the town stud Sean. He takes on a liking for the two boys and shows them the ropes and the art of hooking up with women. Then one night Sean invites them over to the most beautiful girls in town's house. At first everything is a dream come true, with beautiful women and fun party drugs. But the night takes turn for the worst when Jayden accidentally takes psychdelic drugs and stumbles upon Kevin being eaten alive. Now he must figure out if he truly is going schizophrenic like his mother... Or if he relly has come into contact with a trio of flesh eating succubus. Either way it's bad news.
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