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By Lydia Torres

GENRE: Drama
LOGLINE: Princess to a peasant is a drama about an illegally adopted child that was split up from her family at birth. Dating back from the sixties to now. A fast true story peek into the life of a writer.


The story takes place in Los Angeles, CA. When a baby is given up for adoption and split up from her family. The mother being beat up while pregnant and decides to leave the baby with a family that can raise her with the best quality of life with a solid foundation of a marriage of 55 years. The best deal of their life. Laughter and tears of joy from this little one they called Lydil Lydia. At the age of 8, she became an entertainer on stage and was a natural handful of A.D.D. Accelerating her knowledge of everything she could get her hands on. From ballet to motorcycles. She Rides this life with a lot of fun. Carry On! A short sample of a roller coaster of Life on the Road!

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