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By Lydia Torres

GENRE: Crime
LOGLINE: This series presents a timeline of events of stalkers that have been harassing a medical/legal professional who also is a writer and photographer.


A Series of stories about how stalkers are jealous and always under the influence of drugs. They are never happy. They spend their whole life eavesdropping to steal and with intentions to do nothing but use scare tactics and destroy everyones happiness. Their lives are filled with constant drugs and staying up all the time following this victim who is happy with her life and is surrounded by wonderful loving friends and professionals. The main stalker recruits children and women and brain washes them into believing that the one being stalked was his wife. He trains them like an army and destroy her and the innocent human race making them scared to leave their house,ruining relationships, lying, stealing. He feeds and reads obituaries to find another victim. Until the paralegal plays his game and flips this case. Now making him parnoid.

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