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It's the middle of the night on a quiet street in a central city. There's a clock that's onscreen keeping time. 2;30.Suddenly 20 motor cycles pull up to get gas at a gas station that's across the street from a group of tenement buildings. The noise wakes everyone up. lights come on in all of the windows, people looking out blinds. The cycles leave. Lights go out. This happens three times with three separate groups of cyclists. Residents get increasingly more upset. Two men step out of their apartments to talk about the noise. Eventually police show up and tow the last group away- with more noise than the first group of motorcycles.4:00 To finish off the noise, a paperboy comes by at 5 with a tinkling bell that goes off at every apartment that gets a paper. Then a train goes by- it's 5 miles away but the train horn is so loud it sounds like it's on the next block. Police stop by at 5:40 to put up Neighborhood Watch flyers.
NOISE or THE AUDIBLE NOISE FROM MY BEDROOM WINDOW FADE IN: EXT. OUTSIDE CITY STREET SCENE, PERHAPS DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES There's a clock somewhere on screen that shows time lapse-starts at 2:02 a.m. We see a tall tenement building, a building on each side of it, both of those are shorter apartment buildings. There is a gas station across the street from the tallest building. It's a quiet dark street, no lights, people are asleep. A very loud motorcycle comes roaring down the street and pulls up at the gas station to get gas. Then another noisy cycle shows up. Then another, till pretty soon there's about 20 loud, obtrusive cycles roaring up and down the street. Clock shows 2:30 We see lights coming on in all of the windows of the people sleeping. No one steps outside, just people peeping between the blinds at the raucous noise. Clock shows 2:40 Then one by one, the cycles leave. The street gets quiet again, lights go out. Police finally show up and drive down the street- 2 cars. They leave. Silence. 2 minutes later, Clock shows 2:45 Here comes another motorcycle, then another, then another, pretty soon there's another group of about 40 of them, noisier than the other bunch getting gas. Clock shows 3:15 Lights come back on, now people are staring out of their windows directly at the cyclists . Clock shows 3:45 They all pull out after getting gas and food. Noisier than before. We see lights going off, blinds that had been pulled up are now put back down, etc. Police again finally show up, now it's 3 cars, drive down the street, they leave. Silence. Silence. Clock shows 4:00a.~m. A cycle pulls up, than another, then another, may be the first group coming back. They pull in to store, radios blasting over the cycles, loud talking etc.noisier than ever. Lights come on in the buildings and a man steps out of the tenement building to stand outside and watch the cyclists. Another man joins him. MAN 1 Jesus, do you hear all of this racket? I have to get up and go to work at 5. MAN 2 You're already up. I've got a sick baby upstairs. Won't stop crying. Guess it's all the noise. Clock shows 4:15 Men are still out there. They stand there and watch. Two police cars pull in to gas station and start ticketing the cyclists A few minutes later four tow trucks show up and load up the bikes. Noisier than the cyclists themselves. We hear the chains on the ground, trucks being lifted, cycles being loaded. Cyclists are yelling and swearing. The cyclists leave walking in a group-all received noise citations. Slowly, slowly, the noise dies down they all leave. The men say goodbye to each other and step back in to their apartments. Clock shows 4:50. An officer on a bike rides by, stops to blow his nose, goes on down the street. Clock shows 4:55 A paperboy comes by on a bicycle that has a little bell on it that dings every time he stops to drop off papers at each apt.Building. Clock shows 5:00. A train goes by, then another, 5 miles away-the buildings can hear it and feel it rumbling down the street as it passes by. Clock shows 5:02. The street lights go off. No lights in the windows yet. Clock shows 5:15a.M. Trucks start going down the street and lights start coming on in the windows, Clock shows 5:40. Men start exiting the buildings to go to work. Police come by to monitor early a.m. traffic and put up Neighborhood Watch flyers on the telephone poles. Clock shows 6:00, An ambulance pulls up, sets up downstairs, a screaming lady is brought out of the apartment building with people streaming out behind her, some of whom we can hear saying," We don't know what happened. She just let go" FADE OUT: