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By Ray Schillaci

GENRE: Thriller, Mystery

Dr. Michael Price, associate professor/sleep neuropsychologist, is unprepared for his new research subject who falls into REM sleep within minutes and manifests voices that threaten her life.  He soon discovers that the voices have also effected people with dementia, Alzheimers and the homeless.  A mystery to the future of humanity awaits.


Fact; we sleep a third of our life away. When we sleep, we are taken to places without our choice. Given experiences we do not ask for. Science only speculates upon the mystery of our exposures. One particular case is explored in The Vessel, inspired by actual events. A mystery thriller in the vein of The Exorcist and Arrival.

Dr. Michael Price and Claire Turner are damaged people thrown together under bizarre circumstances. Through a series of strange and frightening events they will find hope and redemption. They may also discover a challenge to mankind.

Michael is a doctor of psychology, associate professor and sleep neuropsychologist at New Temple University. He’s been awarded a grant for the study of the affects of sleep deprivation in regards to bi-polar disorder, clinical depression and panic disorders. Michael has never gotten over the death of his 6 year-old brother who died in his sleep. He’s also burdened by the loss of his mother and having to place his father in assisted living. All of this erodes his Catholic faith.

Claire is a feisty young student that is battling a form of sleep deprivation. Her condition affects her schooling, work, and activism. She fights sleep during the day, suffers from hallucinations, peculiar automatic writing, and declining health.

Conducting his research, Michael discovers Claire falls into REM sleep within minutes. She also manifests voices in a garbled language. This does not fall under Michael’s study and prevents any further testing unless he justifies it within the parameters of his grant.

Michael turns to his priest for spiritual guidance, and enlists the aid of two of his colleagues; a hypnotherapist and an archeologist who specializes in linguistics. Hypnosis reveals Claire’s past life memories were short lived due to the same affliction. It’s also discovered over a half a dozen dead languages are emanating from her.

Soon, Michael uncovers an unsettling fact. Claire is not the only one affected by the voices; they’ve worked their way into people with dementia, Alzheimers, and the homeless population. And now, the voices focus their attention on Dr. Michael Price.

Michael’s department chair and mentor discovers his unorthodox study. He insists they no longer treat Claire. He orders Price to let go of her or give up his grant. He agrees with the department chair. What Michael does not tell him is that he along with those helping him, will conduct the rest of the studies in an abandoned daycare center within the university. Price will borrow the necessary equipment, set up shop, and attempt to make first contact. But, what lies ahead is an experiment in sheer terror, and the discovery that “we are never alone.”

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