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By Ray Schillaci

GENRE: Horror

A young tabloid writer journeys through a rural town, Crossgoat Hollow, to find rumors of a beguiling lake that may be home to a “water witch,” that collects bones of her victims to build a bridge to free her of the aqueous prison.


AARON KAPLAN, a young, studious looking writer for a popular tabloid takes a take a trip through the natural wilderness of Washington in hopes of getting his creative juices flowing. On the way, he befriends a hitchhiker, and both make a stop in Crossgoat Hollow where unfriendly townies keep a dark secret. The rumor; the nearby beguiling lake is home to a “water witch,” that collects the bones of her male victims to build a bridge to free her of the aqueous prison.

Aaron has a long, tiring drive ahead of him before the next town. This prompts him to pick up DILLION, a young hitchhiker, surfer dude type. Pulling over at a rest stop, the two encounter some strange locals who are far from inviting and suggest they drive on through to the next big city. That’s their intention until they come upon the breathtaking lake and a nearby lodge.

They meet with the caretaker of the lodge, MOSES POWLER. The man tells them that the lodge is closed, but Aaron bribes him for a couple nights stay. Moses accepts on one condition, they stay away from the lake. He warns then that it is toxic. Mark agrees, but cannot help be curious, and secretly visits the lake only to meet an enticing young woman, REBECCA WILDE.

Rebecca explains that she lives just outside of town, and is not comfortable with the residence because of their backward thinking. She also laughs about the notion that the lake is toxic and actually takes a sip to prove a point. She dismisses the superstitions that surround the area.

Aaron presses her for answers about the town. But, night is looming and she warns that darkness falls hard on Crossgoat Hollow and he should retreat to his cabin before he gets lost. Rebecca promises to meet up with him again.

The following day, Aaron ventures into town. The townies stay their distance even though Aaron tries to explain that he’s doing a piece on small town charm. This is his brand of bullshit to find out what has the town spooked about newcomers. One young woman comes forward, LILLY SMYTHE, due to her passion for books and writing. She tells of the rumors, but insists she has never encountered any kind of supernatural phenomena.

Later, Dillion tells Aaron that he’s met up with a “hot girl” by the lake that’s offered to take a late night swim with him. Finding this somewhat strange, Aaron relates the news to Moses. The old man insists they venture out in his motor boat to save the young man. Aaron is unclear about the urgency in Moses, but goes along for a good story.

Aaron and Moses witness the emergence of the water witch, Rebecca Wilde, shedding her human form and feasting on Dillion only to build the rumored bridge of bones as the story goes. Moses and Aron are hunted down by Rebecca. Once ashore, Aaron tries to figure a way to stop to put and end to the madness only to find out that he’s been branded with a watermark. A sign of the soon-to-be victim of the lake.

This can be a feature as well.

Sean Milligan

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