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An evil, insidious succubus and her incubus partner, prey on the lives of Marcus, a recently divorced business man and his ex-wife Zora, a dormant witch, in metropolitan Atlanta.
Cedrick Sheppard waits on a busy street outside Malcolms Hill restaurant. Suddenly it becomes bare and a beautiful woman strolls down the middle. She passes Cedrick’s car, but when he gets out, she is gone.
Inside Malcolms Hill, sits Marcus. Translucent symbols hoover above him, as mist seeps under his office door and into his shirt before forming a shadow of the woman walking down the street.
It quickly dissipates when Cedrick storms in.
It’s the day of Marcus and Zora Hill’s divorce. Zora appears to still love Marcus. Later they meet at the restaurant to celebrate its new location. During his speech, Marcus becomes fixated with a woman who disappears.
Later, Marcus is coaxed to chill at a pool hall. There he sees the woman again, but before he can approach, he has to rescue Cedrick from being pummeled.
The woman haunts Marcus’ dreams. While taking his daughter, Nicole, to the library, she appears again. This time he’s able to get a name; Eva.
At a bachelor event, Marcus is auctioned to an enigmatic “voice,” turning out to be Eva. That night they have an unofficial date and Marcus reminisces about starting Malcolms Hill and the death of his father and brother.
Eva, bent on boosting her immortal essence, first informs Marcus that her brother, Olatunde, is dead. Then telling him he’s alive. Marcus moves them into his home.
Cedrick arrives early for a meeting at Marcus’ apartment. Alarmed by the intimacy of Eva and Olatunde, he is killed by Eva, who confesses Olatunde is her husband.
Nicole, who briefly saw Olatunde’s demon core, confronts Eva and Olatunde at Marcus’ apartment. Olatunde attempts to throw her off the roof. Eva then ostensibly kills him by ripping out his heart and turning him to ash.
The thought of his daughter almost murdered is traumatic for Marcus. Eva reminds him that she killed her brother and threatens to leave. A desperate Marcus asks her to marry him.
Zora, Felicia, and Denzy the dog, stake out Eva’s hotel room. They leave Denzy in the car and are met by Kevin who Felicia uses to access Eva’s room.
Denzy emerges before they are confronted by Eva. He hides under the bed while Eva binds them and calls for backup.
The backup is Cedrick! Denzy begins barking and when Cedrick reaches for him, he is bitten and shocked he’s able to feel pain. While tending his wound, Denzy brings Felicia a pen; which she uses to kill Cedrick.
Zora, Felicia, and Denzy arrive outside Marcus’ apartment and convince Mrs. Markowitz to let them in. Eva tries to electrocute him.
Unsuccessful, she calls Mrs. Markowitz who brings her an extension cord. Mrs. Markowitz, who’s also a witch, sees Eva’s demonic form and summons old magic. Holding Eva in suspension, she disappears into a beam of light.
While Zora tries to get Marcus out the tub, Denzy transforms into Kevin and is thrown off the balcony. Eva changes back into a human, grabs Zora and knocks her out. Tina, Zora’s mother, transfers her magic to Zora. With added power, Zora defeats Eva and saves Marcus.
Now with a baby bump, Zora wakes up thinking all was a dream. She turns to Marcus. In his place is ash and a blackened heart. The ash whirls and takes form. It’s Olatunde.
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