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By Charley Vance

GENRE: Drama

Nashville and Branson didn’t work out, so Angela has come home to her small town to regroup but old habits and bad friends lead her down a destructive path, and into sex trafficking.


Angela Robin has returned home to Amite, LA. She’s about to turn 30. She left Amite for Nashville a decade ago. When Nashville did not work out, she spent a couple years performing in Branson. After that, she found herself singing and waiting tables in Little Rock.

Angela has come home to learn a skill in hopes of making a living while continuing her dream of being a songwriter. She is broke when she gets home. She resorts to a bad habit. She turns to burglary and steals from Mike’s Sledge who is remodeling an old home east of Amite. She steals his deceased wife’s jewelry, his deceased daughter’s handcrafted guitar, an over and under shotgun/rifle his grandfather gave him and some cash. Mike’s wife and daughter died in car wreck. Mike moved to Amite from New Orleans six months ago and opened a photography studio. Prior to that, he worked as a Private Investigator in New Orleans after retiring from being a U.S. Marine Investigator.

Angela’s father had been a beloved bank president in Amite for decades. When she returns she lives in their old family fishing camp on the Tangipahoa River. Her sister, Victoria, owns the local newspaper. Victoria and Mike are getting to know each other.

Angela takes the stolen items to George, a known fencer. George low-balls Angela on the value of the stolen items because she is desperate for money. Unknown to Angela, George and Terry, a black Deputy Sheriff who is his half-brother, are involved in a sex trafficking ring with a Mexican cartel and the Russian mob. Their mother is dying of cancer.

Following her vow to change, Angela gets a job at her father’s old bank as a data processing assistant. She is full of guilt after meeting Mike and struggles with what she should do.

Mike is not content to let the Sheriff Department investigate. The cartel is angry that George is involved with a petty burglary and tells him to return the stolen items. To motivate him, Juan from the cartel murders George’s friend, Billy, in front of him. He tries to return the stolen items but it does not work. Terry takes charge. Late one night, he forces Angela off the road, causing her to slam into a tree. To make sure she is dead, her smashes her face into the steering wheel. He takes the stolen items from his trunk and puts them in the back of Angela’s Pathfinder.

When Terry returns the stolen items to Mike. He does not say anything to Terry He has doubts about the story he is being fed. He continues his own investigation, which leads him to Baxter’s Salvage in Kentwood, where Angela wrecked car was taken. Mike gets a conflicting story from Oscar Baxter about Terry finding the items in Angela’s Pathfinder.

Following a hunch, Mike is in the woods watching the night a mysterious white van arrive t George’s house in the woods off Dummyline Road. A plane lands in a long pasture behind George’s house. The van has six young blonde girls who are going to be sold to the Russian mob.

Mike is not going to let that happen.

Nathaniel Baker

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