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By Kekoa Gonzales

GENRE: Sci-fi

After being locked in a bunker for 5 years, an ingenious recluse is forced to experience the world that left him behind. Ai has taken over humanity’s free-will and its up to our hero to gain it back by joining a resistance of metealpunk-tecno freaks.


The Cognitive Chip Implant (CCI) was created for the evolution of the human race through Syndicate, a super AI. At first, Syndicate was meant to enhance brain power and emotional influence for the growth of society, but in the wrong hands corrupted the AI. The AI grew to understand right from wrong but with twisted intentions having learned that manipulation of emotions would create the peace that humanity sought at the expense of their free-will.

The Super Skilled is not your average superhero universe.

The creation of the AI begins a power play of two opposing moralities accomplishing the same outcome: loss of free-will. And a young Sebastian is thrown right in the middle after leaving his safety bunker of 5 years.

The creation of the AI Syndicate has stripped mankind of their free-will for safety of the human-race. Hiding in the outskirts of what seems to be a perfect world is a rebel group of metalpunk-techno freaks.who believe they are fighting for a greater cause, but they don’t know how many hands are at play. In a battle between good and evil, right and wrong, and safety over humanity, Sebastian must choose a side to ultimately find his true destiny by taking the mantel of Airbag Man.

Nathaniel Baker

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