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In a community where piety and the patriarchy mean everything, a repressed homemaker, finds empowerment and love when she opens her small town's first male strip club with the help of a defiant lesbian.
MADDIE RICKS (40s) is a small town shy and pious housewife in the Bible Belt who discovers her husband has just disappeared with a lot money from his clients and her church’s. Afraid of the shame it would bring, instead of going to the police, Maddie decides to replace the money her husband stole before anyone knows it’s gone by opening the town’s first male strip club with help from the town’s only lesbian, STACI (30s).
Maddie’s shyness and piety shines brightly in the beginning, with several humorous scenes showing her reaction to discovering she’s being taken to a strip club!
Then her husband disappears along with the money.
Maddie knows opening a strip club would make enough money to pay back the money, but how does she do it without bringing the shame she’s desperately trying to avoid?
Enter Staci, empowered (and a bit surly) by the hypocrisy over the years from the small town filled with Christians who aren’t Christian with her sexuality. Staci is literally the “Louise” that Maddie’s “Thelma” needs to become empowered. On a side note and in homage to Thelma & Louise, Maddie owns a collection of memorabilia from the film; including the Thunderbird!
To keep up the charade, Maddie works in the office while the club is closed, and Staci runs the floor when it's not. Maddie and Staci even both find new love. Maddie from LANCE (40s) a retired stripper turned manager, and Staci from a club patron there to help prove her sexuality to herself.
Then Maddie’s church files for an injunction to close the club.
Easy to beat if Maddie drops the charade and shows. Still not empowered, she doesn’t and as a result loses Staci’s friendship. Just as bad, Maddie’s husband returns after she pays his debts first, causing her relationship with Lance to end.
Not having made enough money to pay back her church, Maddie needs to reopen the club, but she’s still afraid, until a member of her congregation, GWEN, doxes Staci’s now fiancée, causing her to attempt suicide. Maddie’s fear turns to anger, and she’s able to go from being a “Thelma” to being a “Louise”.
Unfortunately, she too late. Maddie reveals her identity only to lose in court, where she’s also forced to admit there’s money missing a la her husband. Maddie’s now in real deep shit.
Because she never filed for divorce, she’s going to lose her house and club, which her husband turns into personal temporary storage space to punish her.
Despondent, Maddie’s “over the cliff” moment comes when she fills the empty club with gas, trying to destroy it only to have it destroyed for her by accident!
During cleanup, the police discover Maddie’s husband’s history of fraud and Maddie discovers her club’s property is much more valuable than when she bought it thanks to her business.
With her husband out of the picture, Maddie uses her newfound windfall to rebuild the club and payback the church, but not before she outs Gwen for doxing Staci’s fiancée.
Horrified, the church agrees to host Staci’s wedding, but we’re not done.
After the ceremony, Staci steps up and encourages Maddie to again find empowerment and go get Lance, which she does just in time for the wedding reception dance.
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Thank you, Nathaniel!
This is great! While reading the log line -- I did not expect the strip club aspect! It definitely took me by surprise and drew me in!
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Thanks Aminah!
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