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By Tobey Alexander

GENRE: Mystery, Horror

A forgotten sentinel, recruited by Death must honour his oath and protect us from evil.


Building on from the Reaper's Journey Book Series written by Tobey Alexander, this brings a new angle to a parallel world between life and death. Moving away from franchise "superhero" projects owned by major studios Marvel and DC, this is an independent view of a hero franchise that explores the concepts of life after death and a centuries old battle between good and evil.

The Raven is an agent of Death, recruited by the Grim Reaper himself to protect humanity from demons aligned to Sub Terra (hell) who would seek to consume souls and rise into power within the living realm. The series will explore the origins of The Raven who now resides as a patient of Nuthall Hospital, a secure unit for those deemed unsafe to live in society. Initially a voluntary admission, The Raven is now known as John Smith and his fantastic stories dismissed as flights of fancy from a broken mind. When a young and ambitious student interviews John, she discovers his stories may be based more on fact and ultimately, if he's telling the truth, he may be the only avenue of protection from the Full Moon Society who seek to destroy the balance and allow evil access to the souls of the living.

This project is being pitched as a Limited Series with six to eight episodes completing The Raven's story arc. Already having foundations in the Reaper's Journey Series, this will be an accessible story with paranormal and afterlife themes suitable for general audiences aiming at a 12A rating or similar.

Marcos Fizzotti

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Nate Rymer

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Tasha Lewis

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