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By Carmen Mosley

GENRE: Horror

A struggling family faces an apparently insurmountable evil ironically whose presence is due to their own indifference and disregard for the abuse in their home.


The McCready Family seemed to have it all. Parker had a lucrative wealth management firm, Agnes just named CEO at the biggest tech firm and three thriving children. But, after Parker’s debilitating car accident, things will never be the same. What they were hiding, what they all wished would go away only created an evil that they never could have anticipated. The cloud of deceit and family trauma hangs heavy over the family. When the youngest daughter, Vivian, begins to have discussions with an imaginary friend, Agnes doesn’t show concern. But, when Vivian stabs her teddy bear to send him heaven and make his pain go away, Agnes and Lucy both begin to question what is going on. Vivian tells them that her friend the “Mean Man” doesn’t want to leave. When Agnes is attacked and sent to the hospital. Parker spends his days drinking and ignoring what is in front of him, Lucy and Ben are forced to deal with the situation. Lucy researches anything on the internet that sounds like the entity, black and smoke-like, with no mouth and bloodshot eyes She discovers that there is a priest who has dealt with this same entity. After some coaxing, Father Simons agrees to help as the danger reaches its breaking point. The Mean Man will not let Vivian leave the house. The family is forced to come together to figure out how to battle him before it is too late. Ben’s boyfriend, Charlie, is a Reverend and they must all join forces to defeat the Mean Man. What they do not know is why. It isn’t until the final act, after Ben is attacked, Charlie is killed, and Father Simon sacrifices himself that they figure out why this is happening. Parker’s sexual abuse of not only Lucy, but of little Vivian has fueled his existence. Agnes’s denial and refusal to deal with the abuse in her home gives him all the power he needs to destroy them all. Once Parker and the family face the heinous acts, including Lucy’s insestuous pregnancy, and Parker’s willing self-sacrifice is given - then the Mean Man is defeated. Eighteen months later they moved to Boston to begin a new life. Stella, Agnes’s assistant, has adopted Lucy’s baby and all seems peaceful. But, in the last scene when they are planning a family dinner in Agnes’s high rise office, the Mean Man appears in the glass and the blood drains out of Lucy’s face and screams, “Mom!”

A wealthy family battles an unknown evil brought on by their own neglect of vile acts in their home. Vivian is a young girl with a special friend no one else can see. Its insidious nature begins to reveal his ungodly intentions. With a powerful CEO mother and alcoholic father, it is up to Lucy and Ben to decipher how to get rid of Vivian's friend, "The Mean Man." He is feeding off and gaining strength with the betrayals and systemic abuse that has been happening in the McCready house for decades. Lucy reaches out to Father Simons who had previously battled the entity but lost with devastating results. But, he is the only person who understands what is happening, Lucy has no other choice. Even with Father Simon’s help, it may not be enough. The only way to satiate the Mean Man is with human sacrifice from a willing soul with no hesitation. This is the only way to stop him and to save Vivian, but is it too late?


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