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By Amir Olin

GENRE: Mystery, Drama
LOGLINE: With the tap of the judge’s gavel, Ethan enters a new world of distorted reality. A frightening ability to see something invisible to others—it may be madness or a way to freedom...


Accused of creating a fraud scheme, Ethan, a hotelier by profession and a philosopher at heart, finds himself in a prison. Suffering from extreme stress, he enters the new world of distorted reality with the frightening ability to see something invisible to the others.

 Interested in a case, a prison doctor doesn’t hurry to send Ethan to asylum but attempts to treat his mental condition. From now on Ethan will have to live in fear, swallowing pills and hoping hallucinations will go away.

 Cut off from her husband who was the only supplier of the family, Ethan’s wife - Carol Anne has to survive in a cruel city along with their son Daniel. She also has to take care about Ethan’s aunty back in South Africa, who is the only Ethan’s relative and was always dependent on him.  

 Confusing reality with illusions and looking for the answers Ethan soon realizes it’s the least of his problems. There’s a horrible monster, hiding in the dark corners of the prison and hunting the inmates. It’s not part of Ethan’s sick imagination. It’s the most real and it’s hungry. A series of deaths casts a dark shadow over the prison. Now, what seemed to be insanity before, may save Ethan’s life? All he needs to do is to embrace it and plunge into the depth of his madness.

Ethan opens the door to another dimension, allowing the incredible things to happen…

Pattana Thaivanich

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Reid Pickett

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