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After getting a big undercover case, a supercop poses as a geek and infiltrates a group of dangerous, geeky criminals to find out what weapon they’re developing.
Animated Action/Comedy short script for sale
Sub-genres: Crime/Police/Contained
Budget: Micro
A supercop named Brian Badge gets a big undercover case from his captain: infiltrate a group of geeky criminals and find out what weapon they’re developing.
Disguised as a geek, Brian goes to an internet café with a secret lair in the back. He passes four tests to join the group of geeky criminals.
Three months later, Brian finds out that the leader of the geeky criminals, Charles Grime, has invented a super weapon that looks like a pencil.
Charles tells Brian and the geeks his plan, and Brian tries to talk them out of using the weapons on the city.
After suspecting Brian is a cop or agent, Charles orders the geeks to attack him. The geeks defeat Brian in a fight, and two of them hold him down. Brian watches as Charles gives the geeks pencils to use on the city.
Brian breaks free and defeats the geeks. He pulls off Charles’ mask and finds out that Charles isn’t Charles. The real Charles is out there somewhere... With more pencils.
Potential: “Brian Badge” can be a franchise like “Jack Reacher,” “Mission: Impossible,” and “Indiana Jones.” Movies, shows, comics, and games.
Thanks for hearing my pitch. Message me on Stage 32 or email me with any questions.
Poster: Poster made with Face and badge by macrovector on Freepik.
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