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By Katharyn King

GENRE: Drama

When a psychotic breakdown in class thrusts a popular high school teacher into the media spotlight, she must fight to save both her career and her sanity.


A  popular teacher hiding her battle with schizophrenia succumbs to psychosis on the job and must deal with the consequences when the whole scene goes viral, drawing a media frenzy to a local suburban high school and pitting students against the administration.


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Noel Thompson

I like this logline, but I feel I want just a bit more to draw me in. What about this story is different/special?

Katharyn King

Hi Noel! The biggest element of this story is that the protagonist “loses” the battle but ultimately wins the war against the illness. It’s based on/inspired by true events in my life. There are few stories that address teachers and mental illness out there, and because of how prophetic this story was, I thought that made it pretty special. Thank you so much—I’ll give this logline more thought.

Noel Thompson

I love the mental health angle, as I feel like that is an underrepresented affect of covid, and the pressures put on teachers to be teachers/parents/child psychologists. Good luck!

Brian Largo

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